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Is it ever ok to ghost someone?


Up-and-Coming Sensation
100 Posts Club
Jul 24, 2021
Don't know about anyone else but ghosting someone is never a cool thing to do.
It doesn’t make the girl want you even more, and it doesn’t make guys jealous. What it does is it makes them not want to talk to you anymore.
(Well except if you're ghosting the person so they'll hate you, then it's probably good thing for you)


By the way for me ghosting someone would be to the point where they have not talked to you in 3 days despite attempts to reach them.
That means, the one time your friend or anything didn't reply you for 6 hours that isn't ghosting.

Probably a cool Intense gaming with friends or for girls, well don't really know what girls do. Lolz

You should never ghost somebody because all it does is make them lose their trust and interest in you. It can make someone think that they just were not interesting enough or cool enough to even be talked to, which could lead to worse problems, like actual depression or anxiety.

If you want to play those games where you take a while to respond, don’t make it hours. They will lose interest in you quickly. Make it 5 minutes. Enough to show interest but not over interest. Still, I would never play games like that with anyone. If I ever take a long time to reposnd, it’s because of something else.
Ghosting isn't a good thing for real, I'd rather let the person know that I am quite busy than ghosting, well, I have not been ghost before or maybe I do not pay attention to it. Never ever ghost anyone. Not cool.
Ghosting isn't a good thing for real, I'd rather let the person know that I am quite busy than ghosting, well, I have not been ghost before or maybe I do not pay attention to it. Never ever ghost anyone. Not cool.
I really don't know why people do that, honestly and not to discriminate but in my knowledge its mostly girls that do it.
I've been ghosted before and I know how it feels, well, not for like 2 months or so just a few days.
I don't know what people see in ghosting others, is it that they want to show they don't care about the person or something.

Whatever it is, it's not cool.
Don't know about anyone else but ghosting someone is never a cool thing to do.
It doesn’t make the girl want you even more, and it doesn’t make guys jealous. What it does is it makes them not want to talk to you anymore.
(Well except if you're ghosting the person so they'll hate you, then it's probably good thing for you)

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By the way for me ghosting someone would be to the point where they have not talked to you in 3 days despite attempts to reach them.
That means, the one time your friend or anything didn't reply you for 6 hours that isn't ghosting.

Probably a cool Intense gaming with friends or for girls, well don't really know what girls do. Lolz

You should never ghost somebody because all it does is make them lose their trust and interest in you. It can make someone think that they just were not interesting enough or cool enough to even be talked to, which could lead to worse problems, like actual depression or anxiety.

If you want to play those games where you take a while to respond, don’t make it hours. They will lose interest in you quickly. Make it 5 minutes. Enough to show interest but not over interest. Still, I would never play games like that with anyone. If I ever take a long time to reposnd, it’s because of something else.
I do something with ghosting, that I probably shouldn’t do.. but to me it’s not a game. It’s more like a test. I’ve been doing this for years wayyy before the term “ghosting” was even around.
I disappear. Sometimes it’s for a week, sometimes a couple weeks, sometimes a couple months. It’s safe to say the longer I’m gone, the more I like ya.
I’m testing for loyalty. One thing I know is any guy that truly has your back, cares about you, and wants to protect you, won’t go anywhere. They will wait.
And I always come back anyway.
9 out of 10 guys will not still be there.
But the one who stays... that’s my guy.

Ghosting is a bad thing to do especially if you know who the person is and what he or she wants. I don't think I have done that before. I hate to admit some people do that for a test especially if it concerns relationship matters.
I do something with ghosting, that I probably shouldn’t do.. but to me it’s not a game. It’s more like a test. I’ve been doing this for years wayyy before the term “ghosting” was even around.
I disappear. Sometimes it’s for a week, sometimes a couple weeks, sometimes a couple months. It’s safe to say the longer I’m gone, the more I like ya.
I’m testing for loyalty. One thing I know is any guy that truly has your back, cares about you, and wants to protect you, won’t go anywhere. They will wait.
And I always come back anyway.
9 out of 10 guys will not still be there.
But the one who stays... that’s my guy.

You just taught me something really nice right now 😯.
If you do this which means some others girls do these also, and well not to spill anything but am going through some we'll bad times with my best friend, and am pretty sure almost all girls do this so which means she might be doing this too.
But well I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it's quite some hope I just received

And oh well I guess if the ghosting is meant for that then it's probably not a bad thing, but you do know, sometimes the right person won't have patience, so maybe you shouldn't stay away for long.
There is one specific time when you should absolutely ghost someone and that's if you are ending a relationship where you are worried that your partner will react in a violent or abusive way, Durvasula says. Put your safety first and in the case of abuse, ghosting is often the best and safest option.
There is one specific time when you should absolutely ghost someone and that's if you are ending a relationship where you are worried that your partner will react in a violent or abusive way, Durvasula says. Put your safety first and in the case of abuse, ghosting is often the best and safest option.
Well that's something I should consider before having any of my hopes up.

Yeah you're right, if you want to end a relationship or something ghosting is probably the way, OR you can just simply tell them if you're sure he or she isn't violent.
I mean that's better than breaking the person.. I mean seriously.

That thing ghosting really breaks people, especially if two people were really close of years and then suddenly one started ghosting, that's not cool
Is not really good at all ghosting someone because the person will never be happy when someone ghost he/her, is not good to hot person.
You just taught me something really nice right now 😯.
If you do this which means some others girls do these also, and well not to spill anything but am going through some we'll bad times with my best friend, and am pretty sure almost all girls do this so which means she might be doing this too.
But well I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it's quite some hope I just received

And oh well I guess if the ghosting is meant for that then it's probably not a bad thing, but you do know, sometimes the right person won't have patience, so maybe you shouldn't stay away for long.
I’m glad this brings you some hope.
But what you need to know is most girls are usually in a big rush to get a boyfriend (or husband) .. and I’m not one of those girls. They wouldn’t risk it, ^ like you said. That’s why I can afford to do stuff like this, because I’m never in a rush. To do anything. 😂 I’m fine on my own either way.
But I wish you the best of luck.
I am living proof that a “ghoster” can return.
Is not really good at all ghosting someone because the person will never be happy when someone ghost he/her, is not good to hot person.
Yeah it's not, in some cases, well generally even on those cases it's still not a good thing to do
Ghosting is never a good option. It takes lot of time to build a relationship and ignoring people does not help us in any way. If we are busy, we should tell it clearly or can use technology for auto reply. However life and relationships are complex and so are our decisions, with individual persons.
Don't know about anyone else but ghosting someone is never a cool thing to do.
It doesn’t make the girl want you even more, and it doesn’t make guys jealous. What it does is it makes them not want to talk to you anymore.
(Well except if you're ghosting the person so they'll hate you, then it's probably good thing for you)

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By the way for me ghosting someone would be to the point where they have not talked to you in 3 days despite attempts to reach them.
That means, the one time your friend or anything didn't reply you for 6 hours that isn't ghosting.

Probably a cool Intense gaming with friends or for girls, well don't really know what girls do. Lolz

You should never ghost somebody because all it does is make them lose their trust and interest in you. It can make someone think that they just were not interesting enough or cool enough to even be talked to, which could lead to worse problems, like actual depression or anxiety.

If you want to play those games where you take a while to respond, don’t make it hours. They will lose interest in you quickly. Make it 5 minutes. Enough to show interest but not over interest. Still, I would never play games like that with anyone. If I ever take a long time to reposnd, it’s because of something else.
That person made an assumption very fast that s/he is being ghosted! I don't think it is a good thing. If you don't want to talk to someone, it is better to tell them on their face. Rather than ghosting them. The anxiety behind it can be avoided by simply talking to them.
Ghosting at some point might really Begin tonseem really childish and something an adult being shouldn't be foolishly doing. It is not a good and proper way to behave towards any person
If you ever feel like ghosting someone the reason must have to be very very very valid. You can just goes people like that without them offending me in any way or if you just deserve a break you can just let them know. It is however considerable to Ghost toxic people just two protect your peace of mind. So in general or it depends on the reason for the ghosting.
It is never okay at all to ghost on someone.if you feel you have personal issues with the person it is better to deal with it than to start giving attitudes to the point of ghosting on them
That person made an assumption very fast that s/he is being ghosted! I don't think it is a good thing. If you don't want to talk to someone, it is better to tell them on their face. Rather than ghosting them. The anxiety behind it can be avoided by simply talking to them.
Clearly stated.. i don't know why people even ghost others.
Though I think I have some clue... on second thoughts I stand against it. Haha
I think the best answer for this would be to ask yourself, if I was ghosted by Someone else how would I feel. Your feelings would determine if it's okay or not. But personally I do not think it's nice to ghost others.
Write your reply...ghosting someone in not a good thing because even in religious both Islam and Christian religion ghost someone is not good thing.
Ghosting someone is never the best thing to do at all. Deal with issues if you have them between the both of you, ghosting someone is not the solution to a problem

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