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How worried are you that you might catch covid?

When the virus started, I was really scared about catching it. I think I was at the scale of 10, not going and extremely conscious when I do. Then time passed by and I became comfortable with living normally but taking the precautions seriously. Now I am at the scale of I think 4.
That was at the leak of the incident last year. I was so scared that i had to travel down to my parents how since it was said to be safer than the place i was living then
During the period of covid-19. I was a little bit worried but I have the believe and fate that this virus will never come close to me, because I have never witness anyone I know contact details
That does not mean I don't get worried about the covid 19. It's just that I make sure I make it a harbit to always put on my mask and observe the rules
Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
On a scale of 1-10, I'm currently at 1. I believe I've caught a mild form of Covid but either way, I believe it's not a death sentence. Many have survived.
yes that's true, many people are worried not to catch up the virus,but me I am not worried,the various catches people with weak immune systems and I believe my immune system is not weak.
Sometimes I tend to believe that there is nothing like Covid in my region.
I hear a lot of numbers of infected people but honestly I have never seen or get to Know anyone who has it or a relation of someone who has it.
So I don't think I can contract Covid, it is fake, that's why I will never take the vaccine
Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
On a scale of one to ten, I think my choice would be two or maybe three. I am not worried cause I hardly go out on a normal day unless I have something important to do. I also try to boost my immune system as well.
I am not worried about getting covid 19 because God has assured me it will not come near me and my love ones, and I'm also doing my best to stay safe.
If you have a scale of zero to ten, i would have picked zero but since it's on a scale of one to ten then i pick one. I am not worried at all that i'll contact the corona virus.
Am not worried about contacting covid-19, because there is hardly any covid-19 case in my country right now, plus I didn't even travel to any country yet, am not worried.
I am not very worried but yet I'm pretty worried, I got the virus twice already and I think it is just a matters of time until I will get it for the third time it would probably take around 3 4 months. I'm worried that after so many times It will effect my body too bad, because if the chances happen again and again the chance to get the virus in a bad way. My father who got vaccinated got the virus after a few years for the first time, at his case the vaccine helped but it is not always the case, I myself don't want to get vaccinated.

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