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How worried are you that you might catch covid?


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1000 Posts Club
Apr 6, 2021
Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
Seriously, I do not even have that mind set that I might contact it, even the consciousness is not even there, I pray God will shield and help me.
On a scale of 8 , because in my country not everyone are really taking the necessary precaution to prevent themselves from taking covid
The exact cause of the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak is unknown, but we do know that it originated in an animal, most likely a bat.
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Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
Sincerely I am not worried at all because I don't believe I am within the age group that is prone to the virus. So I will say on a scale of 2.
Nobody is really taking the threat seriously anymore and that to me is more alarming. People are throwing caution in the air and neglecting all the preventive measures which makes it easy for the virus to spread again. But in all, it seems the days of terror are ever.
Hmm I'll say about 5, because in my country, cases are not so high, though I ensure I take all preventive measures such as wearing my mask and maintaining social distancing
Some people are so worried they never go out and others seem to act as if it doesn't exist. On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you that you might catch it?
I'm not at all worried that I might catch covid, it's largely due to where I am, it's not as serious here as it is in the countries that recorded huge losses but still I doubt I can get covid
The exact cause of the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak is unknown, but we do know that it originated in an animal, most likely a bat.
I think many are saying it was from animals or from human being , i dont know the real one to follow ,they are lit more confusing
I am not worried that I will covid19 or ever contact that disease called covid 19 because I apply to all preventive measures.
Well, I would not say that I am that worried of getting covid, I see to it that I don't behave in a risky manner that puts me oy loved ones in such situation
For older children, you might inquire, "What are your thoughts on the coronavirus? What are your concerns?" "Do you have any concerns about the virus that's going around?" you might ask younger children. This allows you to determine how much knowledge children possess — as well as whether they are receiving incorrect information.
I used to be very worried about catching or contracting the coronavirus disease at the very beginning when it came out but right now my worries has died down because I haven't seen anyone that contracted it so it's just so normal to me right now.
I used to be very worried about catching or contracting the coronavirus disease at the very beginning when it came out but right now my worries has died down because I haven't seen anyone that contracted it so it's just so normal to me right now.
I think I am less worried than I was at the very beginning but some of my friends have long covid and a couple of them have died. Now that I am fully vaccinated I feel protected although no vaccine is 100% effective.
If you can put a scale of zero there , I think that's where I belong because I was not even worried at all, we did not record a single virus in my area not to talk of having it.
I actually am not worried about catching covid 19. I believe that it can never come close to be because God has given me divine health and I tap into it. No diseases of the earth can harm me.

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