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Do you think location plays a major role in any business success??

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location plays a major role in any bussiness. There are some business that are for rural area while some are meant for urban area.
For example a computer center can not move in area full of people that are into farming but can only work in school or business area
Location will always be important especially for many businesses despite the rise of remote work, collaboration, telecommuting and virtual offices. If your business is conveniently located at the best place to attract customers, you can be certain of growth, an increase in sales and brand visibility.
I think it's also true that location sun affects business. Business should always be done in a place that is in the middle of the city.Everything that is not easily difficult for its customer should come here, Bar King should be good as well as come to a place where there is more than the market then the business will grow.
Yes of course! Location plays a vital role in the success of a business. Your location will determine how much of turn over you'll have. If your location is not easily accessible to your potential customers, it will affect the growth and success of the business. Because those that should patronize are far away from you.
Yes of course. Like a business been manage in rural areas and the one manage in urban areas can Never be the same income that they get and also the type of the business you are dealing with. And also one thing you should know is that if you are in rural area and the you are dealing with a good business you are good to go
Whether location plays a vital role to your business or not will be determined by the nature of your business. in some businesses location does not matter when you are good people will look for you irrespective of where you are. However for some businesses location matters a lot.
Location is one of the factors to consider before starting a business. If your location is wrong you will have wrong customers or client. That is, locate your business where the market is sure. Also ask questions when you are moving from one place to the fpr location of Change
Location will always be important especially for many businesses despite the rise of remote work, collaboration, telecommuting and virtual offices. If your business is conveniently located at the best place to attract customers, you can be certain of growth, an increase in sales and brand visibility.
Yes of course, before starting a business, the Entrepreneur needs to check for a very good location where he thinks the business can thrive and will face less competitions. A business location determine the success of a business sometimes
The entrepreneur need to examine the location and determine if its ideal for his business start up. I've seen a scenario where a business that is meant to be established in the urban area got underway in the rural area. That made the business not to grow cos of the low population in the rural area.
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Brother, location plays major role in many businesses. You wouldn't want to reside where your target customers would be far from. In addition, location has made or mar the successes of most start ups. Until goods or services is being consumed by the customer then it has not achieved the purpose for which it was made.
You're there, location might make or mar a business. So when a potential entrepreneur plans to start up a business he or she should choose wisely and not favouring where you stay. Cos such decision can mar the business when it is not rightly done.
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It absolutely does. This is one of the key things a business owner must be intentional about. In fact in the study of entrepreneurship or in business schools, this is one of the things you are asked to ensure you settle.
Location plays a major role in the success of a business or otherwise. Never joke with it.
But it must also be stated that getting it right with Location does not translate to automatic success for any business. Conscious effort must be made to get it right with:
1. Branding
2. Advertisement
3. Pricing
4. Customer service
5. Customer satisfaction
Yes, location in a business shouldn't be joked with at all. Choosing an unsuitable location can affect the price of our commodity/goods, customers demand, advertisement, branding etc. That's why we need to choose location wisely to avoid all this deterrent factors.
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Yes location plays a vital role in the business success. For instance, the business that suppose to locate at a location where people are passing and you planted it in a remote here so how can it be successful. So in any business you meet to determine the nature of it and which location will best fitted for it.
It does for sure. Location plays a vital role in the success of business. While picking a location, some factors must be considered like is it near my target market, is this place easy to track and noticeable. The consumers must find it easy to access.
Yes, I think location plays a major role in starting or building a business. Although, in online service you don't require but when you are selling any kind of products then it becomes very vital. Many businesses fail because of this because they didn't find the right set of people to deal with.
Yes in every sucessfull business location plays a very vital role..
The best location can increase brand visibility and can also influence a business bility to market itself..location also matters for marketing...thats why location really matters in what we want to venture into.
Their are businesses that is managed in the rural areas and still going strong and bringing steady returns. Same goes to the urban areas and their is still profit flowing steady. But everything depends on the strategies and plan one used for the business.

Do you think that location can play a major role in determining a business success??
Location plays a really bug role if you are looking for starting up a business . Location determines the area of the business and most importantly customers attractance is also a part in deciding the location. Customers love to get a business near there areas.
Localization plays a vital role in business. In fact it determines the profit of the business owner. A lucrative business that's a not situated in a commercial center may fail to yield the expected income it ought have provided if located in a good place.
Yes it does play a major role, infact it's one of the most important role, before you start up a business you should have a target area where your business will likely move well, where people will be able to patronize your business because that's the only way you can make profits from your business. If you just open your business in any how location then it's likely you will find it difficult getting the right audience for your business. So location is very very important when starting up a business anywhere.
Location plays a vital role in business. Many businesses have folded up as a result of being located in an area that such businesses cannot thrive. How can a car stand be situated in an averagely low income environment, where inhabitants find it hard to eat a square meal a day. Such car stand will definitely record a low patronage.
Location plays a really bug role if you are looking for starting up a business . Location determines the area of the business and most importantly customers attractance is also a part in deciding the location. Customers love to get a business near there areas.
Yeah, location plays a vital role in our business improvement. It oversees the progress of sales, if we rent a store or wall house at a marketable location then the business will boom, cos plenty will track it down.
yes, business location is one of the determinant of the a success to the business. The location of the business will determine the kind of business you need to run. A lot of business collapsed when established not at the right location.
Yes of course, location plays a very handy role in every thing so it does in Business. If your business place is in urban area the market, population, price rate and sales will be very high but if you have at rural place then very short customers will come. So yes Location has impact on Business.
Yes location plays a very vital role in business cause when you live in rural areas it will give you less opportunities to attract your targeted population as lines and customers but on the other hand if you do a business in urban areas which is populated area and people are always in search of jobs so your business will flourish in urban areas
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