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Do you care about celebrities?

I care about some celebrities in the aspect of their crafts, i get inspired by some and when i listen to some of their lyrics, i tend to put it to practice.
While many social theorists have bemoaned the rise of mass culture as representing some kind of collective character defect, it is simply the unavoidable result of the convergence of 21st-century media and Stone Age minds. When you peel back the layers of our fixation on popular culture, you'll find that it shows a keen interest in what other people are up to; this preoccupation wit
I have no I'll will towards any celebrity but I am not such a person that will throw myself and will over whatever a celebrity says or thinks on a subject
Every body seems to bear the celebrity title, because they have few or more followers and are good in influencing products,as for me I don't send any celebrity.
Yes of course I care about celebrity a lot, most of all I have my own personal celebrity which I look up to as my role model, i read more about her.
I .not a fan of entertainment gossip. Which artist did what and which one didn't do what. I really don't have time for that
I do admire so many celebrities but most especially footballers. Am a football lover so I watch football and I admire many or those players . It is good to admire someone, hoping to get to that level one day. And when you get to that level people will admire you too
Not really, they are all humans with flaws and I respect them and their choosen profession, but I don't haunt them obsessively, cause at the end of the day I still have my life to live.
I have no personal or emotional ties to anyone famous. I honestly never have. I never had an interest in following their personal lives. Outside of their abilities as an actor, singer, etc. I don't care. I only pay attention to them for their talents, nothing more. It seems like more people care way more about them than I do. I am curious about what you all think about this. Do you care about celebrities?
Of course I care about them. It's because many people especially the children are idolizing or looking up to them. They should be very very good role model to the youth.
I care only for decent celebrity, most of the time the pass useful information to the community through the song, characters in movies and also derived lesson from their movies
Celebrities are irrelevant to me. They have flaws and shortcomings just like us. They are the center of attention because they are in show business and have been the focus of media attention as a result of publicity stunts. I admire them only while they are at work, not when they are out in public.
I do not really care about their lives. One can not even imitate their lifestyles because of the way they do things. Flashy spending, clubbing, and others are not a thing to emulate. Just enjoy what they offer as talents
Well I don't really care about them ,although they are really good in some of the music they have produced but I don't really have time. they are making their money and I am struggling to make mine.
I also don't care about celebrities especially musicians I don't just care about them. but for actor's I do admire them especially if you are a good actor. I only care about celebrities that I will benefit from them.
Actually dont really care about celebreties that much. Their just famous. Well one celebrety/youtuber I wanna meet. He was playing minecraft videos and I watched him all the time at the age of 7-10. Ive grown up and moved on but still just like to meet him just once.
I often think about the celebrities and I have a great time and I really enjoy the ceremonies that are being held there, other wise it's about having a fun time with my friends.

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