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Are you organized?

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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5000+ Posts Club
Jul 20, 2016
Are you a very organized person, when it comes to your personal life?

I am not exactly the best organized person in the world, being busy most days of the week, but when I get the chance after relaxing and destressing, I can be pretty well organized if nothing gets in the way of keeping things clean and tidy.
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Organization is also something I struggle with.

Thankfully, if things are disorganized, I find myself unable to work well until I reorganize things.

One tips that helps with organization is to have a place to keep everything, especially when you bring new things into an environment.
I wouldn't say that I am so organized because I still lag behind in so many aspects of my organisation but I am trying my absolute best to be organised.
Are you a very organized person, when it comes to your personal life?

I am not exactly the best organized person in the world, being busy most days of the week, but when I get the chance after relaxing and destressing, I can be pretty well organized if nothing gets in the way of keeping things clean and tidy.
I used to be very disorganised as a kid and this made me get into a lot of trouble because I was always looking for things so growing up I made a conscious attempt to change and I'm more organised and tidy
I'm not really what you call an organized person but to some extents I am. My phone apps are arranged be me same as my music. I have a sense of color, so there is way colors of plates and cups must be and same as my personal and day to day activities.
To an extent, I am organized in my own space. But once I get to a general area, I let others do the cleaning and tidying of the place
Lets say that my room wouldn't be very clean and organized but rather than that I think I am kind of an organized person, I don't take risks, I tend to make things before they need to be made for later so I don't miss/forget it.
For example at school I have a a few notebooks for a few different subjets but I always make sure that there are pages left to write on. I am the person who thinks before he accomplish things I am not naive and hasty.
I can't say that I'm organized that way because I'm still behind in many aspects of the organization, but I'm doing my best to organize it.

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