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NEWS Walter E. Block: Should we protect farmland?

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Ledgendary Member
5000+ Posts Club
Dec 23, 2020
Change.org — which really should call itself NoChange.org — just asked me to sign a petition to protect farmland. I am told that 53,057 people have already signed Tristin Bouwman’s petition protesting against the conversion of 300 acres of British Columbia farmland to the construction of industrial buildings. In the view of the petitioners, some 30-50 million annual servings of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and cabbages are now in danger of being plowed under, and not appearing on our plates, if this conversion goes through. Read More ...

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think it's a very good idea if every company adopt the policy of training all their employees on first aid treatment.. as there are unforeseen circumstances that work aid they know if there is any dangerous activity occurring they no what to do and also how to solve it
Well I strongly support the idea yes it's a very good idea if every company adopt the policy of training all their employees on first aid treatment.. as there are unforeseen circumstances that work aid they know if there is any dangerous activity occurring they no what to do and also how to solve it
Well, I firmly agree with the concept. Yes, it is a very good idea for every company to adopt the policy of training all of their employees in first aid treatment. As there are unforeseen circumstances, it will help them to know what to do and how to resolve any dangerous situations that may arise.
Of course there's the need to protect farmlands now at all costs more than ever before. The effect of global warming and man's activities has taken a toll on existing ones and will make food production difficult if not controlled soon enough.
We must protect farmland, Because they can be used for planting food for us to eat and be healthy.
Its important to protect our farmland because it's where will get 70 percent of what we eat. Any country that joke with her farm land will starve. The farm land is integral for starting this business.
Well, I wholeheartedly concur with the idea. Yes, every business should embrace the policy of providing first aid training to all of its personnel. They will benefit from knowing what to do and how to handle any potentially harmful scenarios because there are always unforeseen events.
it is a very good idea for every company to adopt the policy of training all of their employees in first aid treatment. As there are unforeseen circumstances, it will help them to know what to do and how to resolve any dangerous situations that may arise.
Locally protected farms benefit the environment
Open farm and forest lands are important for the recharge of ground water in our communities. Farms also provide critical habitat for local wildlife populations, promoting and protecting biodiversity
We must protect farmland, Because they can be used for planting food for us to eat and be healthy.
Farmland is needed to be protected because its the land that's producing the food we are eating , though sometimes , the chemicals we use normally affect the land negatively and destroy the nutrient on the land , but we can't do without it when farming in a huge land
A lot of farm land in America is being bought up by people who do not even live in the country.

I think it is wise to not only protect it but expand on it where there are colder climates instead of relying mostly on California. They need to do giant heated greenhouses which can cut down on pesticide use and be placed in places like Wyoming.

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