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Well, I could say that some rings and other jewelry that my grandmother gave me a long time ago are things that have incalculable value to me right now that it would hurt me a lot if I lost it or if it was stolen.
Any gift that was given to me by my mother are always priceless to me. There's nothing that's ever going to make me sell any of them or give them away. She was the that gave me the wall clock in my house. This wall call have been with me for nearly 7 years and it's still very sound.
What’s something in your home you consider to be priceless?

Why is this item priceless to you?

How would you feel if this thing was missing or stolen?

I have two birthday gifts that I consider to be priceless. These items were given to me by people that I cherished so much and when I look back at those moments, it is always one that send smiles down my chins and I can't place an amount that I am going to sell the items as I consider it to be priceless.
My laptop is a priceless item that I have in my home. If I lose my laptop, I will lose everything. My life will be completely erased if my laptop gets stolen. Even though I have backed up my data on different devices and also on cloud, still I have a lot of data on my laptop that are priceless for me.
Probably my family photos and some of my parents belongings. I know my dad has a jar of old coins that he's been collecting. I consider my family priceless, so them if anything.

Family is always 100% priceless. They can never be replaced for any reason whatsoever. We have our family album where all of our family pictures right from childhood when we were growing up. I wouldn't give up those pictures for anything.

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