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NEWS Musk fired Twitter execs in attempt to avoid payouts, layoffs planned – reports

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Ledgendary Member
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Dec 23, 2020
Twitter's new owner Elon Musk fired top executives in an effort to avoid hefty severance payouts, while lining up other layoffs as soon as Saturday to avoid stock grants due on Nov. 1, according to media reports on Saturday. Read More ...

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El on musk as been doing so many things on twitter that so many people are against and people have been complaining about all his new project on the bird app
And he decided to hire some of the staff back, because he realized a lot of the people he fired were integral to the inner workings of Twitter. He also fired moderators who I believe helped weed out the really bad stuff. Like gore, death, and other disturbing content, as well as hate speech.

Elon is really trying to find any way to keep burying twitter. He needs the money clearly, but it seems as if he keeps making bad decision after bad decision. Now he has a company that isn't making him a ton of money, and he wants it fast.
El on musk as been doing so many things on twitter that so many people are against and people have been complaining about all his new project on the bird app
Why should people complain when he is doing everything necessary to secure his business in order to make profit?. Of course he purchased Twitter with about 43 billion dollars.
Well for now we don't really know what he is interested to do with the Twitter he is managing , but however we do not have any decision on this. We just have to wait and see if this will be favorable to the masses and users.
Elon has come out to debunk the claims that he avoided payouts by laying off staff. He even overpaid some staff to prove this and I think I agree with him
Elon musk the owner of Twitter has gone hard on his executives ..well I can say much about what is going on and I have no idea of what he wants to do .. let’s just wait and see what will happen
Elon has come out to debunk the claims that he avoided payouts by laying off staff. He even overpaid some staff to prove this and I think I agree with him
Yes, I also read the news when it came out. He said that he was not avoiding payout but he is simply doing it for the interest of the company by laying off some workers.
Yes, I also read the news when it came out. He said that he was not avoiding payout but he is simply doing it for the interest of the company by laying off some workers.
A lot of people that have been complaining that Elon wants to run the company aground. Funny thing is they don't know the first thing about how to run a business.
A lot of people that have been complaining that Elon wants to run the company aground. Funny thing is they don't know the first thing about how to run a business.
Probably, he bought the company with over 43 million dollars and he is trying as much as possible to make profit from it and take it to the next level. I believe he has a lot of business advisors.
The reason for firing some of the workers is that he realises of he keeps them , he will never meet the target he set for the company to acheive , so far he's paying them off , he's still right.
The reason for firing some of the workers is that he realises of he keeps them , he will never meet the target he set for the company to acheive , so far he's paying them off , he's still right.
Even Facebook replicated the same thing. Some of the workers were fired because of the rising inflation and the cost of running the business. I think it is a business strategy.
Even Facebook replicated the same thing. Some of the workers were fired because of the rising inflation and the cost of running the business. I think it is a business strategy.
Its a normal thing to do when theres a change in the ownership of a business , their must be a reshuffle in the cabinet of staffs and some workers had to be laid off , to allow the owner implement his plan .
Why should people complain when he is doing everything necessary to secure his business in order to make profit?. Of course he purchased Twitter with about 43 billion dollars.

I think that people are criticising him as he is not able to manage the business properly. Maybe this is the main reason. He has created policies and he is not following his own policies. Perhaps this might be the reason?
Its a normal thing to do when theres a change in the ownership of a business , their must be a reshuffle in the cabinet of staffs and some workers had to be laid off , to allow the owner implement his plan .
Probably, it is the responsibility of the new business owner to I had the kind of people he wants to work with. People have different ideologies when it comes to running businesses.

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