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NEWS Ivermectin — a drug once touted as a Covid treatment by conservatives — doesn't improve recovery much, clinical trial finds

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Dec 23, 2020
"These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19," the scientists concluded. ...

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Ivermectin recover power was very low and it's not generally adopted. Many drugs with good recovery power has been produced after it. The world is now moving beyond covid19 now
This is great to know. One thing I'm sure of is the fact that adversity brings out the best in humans as we then learn to adapt to conditions we find ourselves in. Good one that researchers aren't resting on their oars at all.
Knowing this is excellent. Adversity brings out the best in people because we learn to adapt to the situations we find ourselves in, which is one thing I'm certain of. It's great to see that scholars are actively working on new projects.
Wow I have never come across it before This is great to know. One thing I'm sure of is the fact that adversity brings out the best in humans as we then learn to adapt to conditions we find ourselves in. Good one that researchers aren't resting on their oars at all.
Ivermectin recover power was very low and it's not generally adopted. Many drugs with good recovery power has been produced after it. The world is now moving beyond covid19 now
Probably, even in this part of the world a lot of drugs were produced during the Corona virus pandemic. Some of them worked and a lot of others did not work. Better medical drugs has been produced after them.
Ivermectin recover power was very low and it's not generally adopted. Many drugs with good recovery power has been produced after it. The world is now moving beyond covid19 now
Considering the fact that virus are quite difficult to be treated that way, they could easily get adopted to drugs based on the nature of their DNA. We hope maybe I'm the future COVID 19 drug with high curing rate will be invented in the future.
Considering the fact that virus are quite difficult to be treated that way, they could easily get adopted to drugs based on the nature of their DNA. We hope maybe I'm the future COVID 19 drug with high curing rate will be invented in the future.
Yeah, that may be true but they Corona virus pandemic actually has high survival rate. A lot of people that has suffered from the pandemic especially young people actually recovered even with the available drugs.
Yeah, that may be true but they Corona virus pandemic actually has high survival rate. A lot of people that has suffered from the pandemic especially young people actually recovered even with the available drugs.
If this is true then what makes it such a huge pandemic that lock down a lot of countries and prevent a lot of people from doing their various day-to-day activities ?
If this is true then what makes it such a huge pandemic that lock down a lot of countries and prevent a lot of people from doing their various day-to-day activities ?
Because it is a pandemic and a lot of people are in danger of contracting it and when that happens it will be overwhelming. Even though some people may they survive but a lot of money will be spent.
Because it is a pandemic and a lot of people are in danger of contracting it and when that happens it will be overwhelming. Even though some people may they survive but a lot of money will be spent.
I now understand, when I first heard about the corona virus I thought is something that kills without mercy and that there is no chance of the body immune system fighting it off.
I now understand, when I first heard about the corona virus I thought is something that kills without mercy and that there is no chance of the body immune system fighting it off.
the survival rate among young people is very high. Those people that usually die from the pandemic was aged people and those who have underlying illnesses.
Because it is a pandemic and a lot of people are in danger of contracting it and when that happens it will be overwhelming. Even though some people may they survive but a lot of money will be spent.

I think that now many people are pretty aware of the fact that there are certain kinds of vaccinations that could have a bad effect on health. I am not an anti-vaccination person at all. But I prefer not to get vaccinated.
I think that now many people are pretty aware of the fact that there are certain kinds of vaccinations that could have a bad effect on health. I am not an anti-vaccination person at all. But I prefer not to get vaccinated.
That is true but at the same time you do not have to risk your health on something you are not sure of. , There's no how you can travel out of your country to any other country without getting vaccinated.
Ethical codes in research is duly applicable to medical research. It is legal to sue anyone that infuses any drug at the phase of clinical trial to you without a prior notice and your consent.
Ivermetcin was onced announced to the world of it potency to cure covid-19 back then , but people in my environment prefer using the local herbal ways of treating the pandemic , because they didn't trust the drug .

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