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how to be successful in life

How do you define success? How do you think that you are not succeeding in life right now? Without that information, it's hard to make a suggestion, other than you should pick a job that fits your idea of success, whatever that is.

(If "success in life" is having a job, any job will do, but I don't know you well enough to make an assessment of what to recommend.)

It's hard to earn a lot of money with a part-time job.
can anyone suggest me a part time job like which i can be sucessful in life
It all depends on what you think it is to be successful in life, if you want to find a part-time job you need to actively look for it, you can also try to find it online, there are many opportunities, being successful in life is something very relative, some may consider that being successful can be measured with the money you have and others by having achieved certain achievements that perhaps have nothing to do with money, if what you want is a job, go out and look for it.
Part time? Well, you should look into ways to earn online. Like ways you can earn around the clock without having to put in day to day effort. Things like blogging for example where you make income from ad revenue.
What you can do on part time and it's going to make you become successful in life are few unless you have special skills in certain fields with high risk investment like Binary, Forex and cryptocurrency trading. You can do it part time and become very rich if you have the skills and knowledge in it.
What I am going to suggest for you is to try as much as possible to develop a skill that is going to make it possible for you to get part time jobs that you are going to do online.

This kind of job is going to be capable of paying you a good amount of money because in all honesty, if you don't have a very good skill, it is going to be very difficult for you to find any part-time job that is going to pay you a good amount of money for you to be financially successful.
Without knowing how you define success, it is not possible to answer the question. If success means money, you will have to build skills, do high paying jobs, invest money, start businesses, and become successful.
Assuming you are only talking about being financially stable, you can start by trading. If you learn to do the technical analysis properly, you can earn really well everyday. You can choose to do trading in forex, stocks, crypto etc. whichever you like. There's no other "part-time" job that can help you earn more in less time.
Assuming you are only talking about being financially stable, you can start by trading. If you learn to do the technical analysis properly, you can earn really well everyday. You can choose to do trading in forex, stocks, crypto etc. whichever you like. There's no other "part-time" job that can help you earn more in less time.

Trading is even very risky to begin with because even professional that have been trading for years all still have losses from now and then.

He should try and develop a good business idea and work on it. When he gets the capital to finance the business, then it's game time to push it for success.

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