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Have you ever stayed up all night playing video games?


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Aug 6, 2023
I had stayed awake so many nights while playing GTA V. I used to be so much into the game it I wouldn't realize that the sun is already out. I used to have breakfast then go to sleep. My routine was really upside down during those days hehe.
Yes, many nights when I played world of warcraft during my adolescence I spent all night playing with friends, that game was really too addictive, the hours passed too fast playing it, it was very easy to lose track of time, it has also happened to me with other games in the past such as GTA san andreas or Final fantasy.
Yes of course, I have done it countless times when I was still a kid. I wasn't allowed to play video games early by my mother because she felt playing video games isn't good for kids but when she eventually permitted me to play games, there were night I won't sleep till the next morning because I was playing games.
My body isn’t capable of staying up all night, so no. I came close playing Legends of Chima Online multiple times, and I remember the Davidians mission in Star Trek Online kept me up until 4:30 AM, with is the point where my body demands sleep.

The Davidians mission is terrifying because of how the enemies come out of nowhere since they are invisible, and you’re exploring the basement of an old broken-down space station. I basically stayed awake due to terror and adrenaline.
Staying online playing video games is one of the ways of relieving yourself of depression.. I have done it before. I decided to play online games throughout the night when I lost my mother. I played online videos for five nights.
I had stayed awake so many nights while playing GTA V. I used to be so much into the game it I wouldn't realize that the sun is already out. I used to have breakfast then go to sleep. My routine was really upside down during those days hehe.

When I was younger and still in high school, the nights are the time that I have to play games with my friends. They will visit and we will stay all night playing games especially during the weekends when we are sure that we are not going to attend any lectures.

Playing games at night comes with a different level of feeling as well. I miss those old good days where I can play with physical friends that I know.
I've pulled a few all-nighters when newly released games came out. Mainly with games like Call of Duty and GTA. I remember going to a few of the midnight releases for the Call of Duty games at Gamestop. I remember them having release parties, serving pizza and giving stuff out, it was pretty fun.

When I would get home from the midnight release, my friends and I would play for hours into the night. Fun times! :)
I used to do this a lot in around 2008 - 2009. I would stay up with friends and my brother playing games such as Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and it was a lot of fun.

I am unable to do this like I used to now though and am lucky if I stay up as late as 2am sometimes.
I can totally relate! GTA V has a way of pulling you in with its immersive world and captivating gameplay. Those late-night gaming sessions that make you lose track of time are a testament to its allure. It's all part of the gaming experience, and sometimes, having an upside-down routine for the love of a game is just part of the fun! 😄🎮
I used to do this a lot in around 2008 - 2009. I would stay up with friends and my brother playing games such as Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and it was a lot of fun.

I am unable to do this like I used to now though and am lucky if I stay up as late as 2am sometimes.
It's something that was very common for me when I was still a kid. I have a playing group that we are always up at night playing.

When you're young with few or no responsibility to take care of, there's nothing much to stop you from playing video games all day.
I had stayed awake so many nights while playing GTA V. I used to be so much into the game it I wouldn't realize that the sun is already out. I used to have breakfast then go to sleep. My routine was really upside down during those days hehe.

I was very much the same way when ES5: Skyrim first came out. I skipped sleep just to play that game back to back. I really lost myself. And then again when Bethesda released Fallout 4. I think I stayed up through my days off playing. That wasn't healthy at all lol. I definitely won't be doing that with Starfield. I've been pretty good about not getting too carried away. It's been really fun so far. I'm almost to level 30 and I've been doing a lot of the side quests.
When I bought my first smartphone, there was a game called Candy Crush installed by the manufacturer. Sometimes I was playing the game until 3 in the morning. So, literally speaking, I stayed up all night playing the game. I had to uninstall game because I was getting too addicted.

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