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Fear of failing


Ledgendary Member
5000+ Posts Club
Nov 24, 2020
I seem to have this idea all marked our but am afraid to start because I fear I would fail and loose a lot. Please what keeps you going?
But fear of failure (also called "atychiphobia") is when we allow that fear to stop us doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals. Fear of failure can be linked to many causes. For instance, having critical or unsupportive parents is a cause for some people.
It is natural and normal for one to have the fair of failing in business or life. The most important thing is that you don't let it drive you out of competition. Or make you give up in life but to spur you to carry on and actually succeed.
We all have some degree of the fear of failure but what we do is to just go ahead with the project despite the fact that the project or venture may not succeed.
The thought that if I don't make that step I've failed already! Someone once told me; there is nothing to fear but fear itself so just take that leap, and ask yourself the worst scenario is you'll lose your money. So what?
I seem to have this idea all marked our but am afraid to start because I fear I would fail and loose a lot. Please what keeps you going?
Everyone who is into business has this fear of falling because of this as a good business man you have to put all weeks measure in place in order for your business not to crash.
People handle fear of failing differently. Some take it as a challenge to make the best decision for the business or career while others will carve into their shell because of the thought of failing.
He that waits for the perfect weather condition will never sow.So the best way to do any thing is to face it head long,because if you keep looking at your fear you woul'nt achieve.To eradicate your fears is to do those things you are afriad of doing,and keep putting out a positive out look.
I seem to have this idea all marked our but am afraid to start because I fear I would fail and loose a lot. Please what keeps you going?
I think this is natural to everyone in here most especially you are living in a kind of area where competition is too much,you will surely be scared of anything you want to do,but the best thing to do is to go to another area where no one know you and start your thing.
They are lots of people always afraid of failing .It might be naturally and might not be for someone to fail actually . It depends on how you take the fear up as if it's is to motivate you or not.
I seem to have this idea all marked our but am afraid to start because I fear I would fail and loose a lot. Please what keeps you going?
Most times there are certain things i want to try out but i dont out of fear, that i might fail or that people would talk bad about me. Or i might be laughed out. But what actually keeps me going is my reason for wanting to try that in the first place. I have a goal, i have a dream i want to be able to take good care of her. When i see all that my mom has been through just for me. It pushes to do more so i can succeed. Most times i really do fail but i still try again because a man has truly failed when he accepts failure.
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But fear of failure (also called "atychiphobia") is when we allow that fear to stop us doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals. Fear of failure can be linked to many causes. For instance, having critical or unsupportive parents is a cause for some people.
Your goals and reasons for wanting to try it out should always be at the back of your mind. If you dont have strong reasons then you might easily give in to fear.
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It is natural and normal for one to have the fair of failing in business or life. The most important thing is that you don't let it drive you out of competition. Or make you give up in life but to spur you to carry on and actually succeed.
True, i think your mindset also plays an important role as well if you see failure as then end then thats how it would be for you. But if you see failure as a lesson to be better then thats how it would be for you as well
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We all have some degree of the fear of failure but what we do is to just go ahead with the project despite the fact that the project or venture may not succeed.
True cause we also need the lessons and experience to make us better versions of ourself and who knows, you might actually be good at it but you wount know until you try it
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He that waits for the perfect weather condition will never sow.So the best way to do any thing is to face it head long,because if you keep looking at your fear you woul'nt achieve.To eradicate your fears is to do those things you are afriad of doing,and keep putting out a positive out look.
I love this. A positive mindset is what we really need to succeed. See every failure as a lesson and not the end
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Fear is just an illusional stopping block that every human possesses, I think as human beings especially if we are striving to succeed, we must do away with fear sharp.
If you are afraid t always start up something, you will not achieve anything that way. But you have to overcome that fear by eventually having faith in your abilities to make it work
When I am on high places I am always afraid to fall down, and it is really hard to control such a feeling. But recently I've been walking on the same high bridge over and over again while I was returning home so it decreased the fear and the more I am walking on that bridge is the more the fear is getting decreased. The best way to handle with our fears is to face them over and over again.

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