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Ever have a bad run-in with the police?


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Valued Contributor
5000+ Posts Club
Oct 27, 2020
The police in the US often get a lot of hate for the way they've acted over the years. Not all cops/police are bad, but there are a fair deal of nefarious cops out there who want to use their power to get what they want, or for things to go their way. Have you ever had a bad run-in with a police officer? Did the police arrest you? Were you hurt by the cop? Did they speak rudely towards you even if you were cooperating?

I've never really dealt with cops myself, as I'm not really out much. But I do worry about how cops can sometimes be overbearing and often use excessive force to get people to cooperate with their requests.

Ever deal with a bad police office? How did it go for you?
I've never had any kind of experience with the cops yet. Maybe because I follow all the rules and abide by the law. :)
I've never had any bad run with the police. I avoid doing anything which is going to land me in the police net. I don't overspeed, I don't drink and drive or do anything which is against the law. I've not had any ticket written me once and I'm very proud of myself for it.
The police have come to arrest me at home once but I was very fortunate not to be at home when they came. I was playing with a bunch of kids throwing stones at one another. Accidentally, we broke a man's car windshield. He called the cops on us the next day. I had to go by myself to be police station the next day after they came to arrest all involved in the act.
I have been into a lot of legal battles but never crossed the street with cops. I have never had a bad run-in with the police.
Should I say that I have been lucky or very careful? Having an issue with the police has not happened to me before, and it is one of those acts that I won't feel comfortable spending on. I want to stay away from issues and make expenses where it is necessary.
Aside from getting stopped by the cops when driving 🚘 to check my papers and driving licence, I haven't had any recent run in with the police.

It's once that I reached army check point when I was travelling with a public transport. All the passengers were asked to get down from the bus and trek across the check point.
Not never, I have been registered by cops a few times, or in the car I have been asked for documentation and papers, but I have never had any major problem with them, the most that has happened to me was once they registered me for a long time and asked me many things because they confused me with another person who just stole or something.
Should I say that I have been lucky or very careful? Having an issue with the police has not happened to me before, and it is one of those acts that I won't feel comfortable spending on. I want to stay away from issues and make expenses where it is necessary.

When you're very careful and observant of the law, it's going to be very difficult for you to have any cases with the police unless you found yourself being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It's like some of my friends that went to club last weekend and the club where they went to was raided. All of them got arrested.
For one reason or the other, I haven't had anything to do with Police Officers and I pray I wouldn't have anything to do with them. Here in my country, when you get to the Police Station, you will see Police is your Friend. Though I haven't had anything to do with them so I don't know if that is true or not. But all I believe is that we have good people and likewise do we have bad people
I can't say I have ever had a bad run it with the police. I have had occasions where the police have come to my house to take statements from my kids if they were around or saw a crime take place but never anything severe enough that it resulted in a criminal charge or arrest.
For one reason or the other, I haven't had anything to do with Police Officers and I pray I wouldn't have anything to do with them. Here in my country, when you get to the Police Station, you will see Police is your Friend. Though I haven't had anything to do with them so I don't know if that is true or not. But all I believe is that we have good people and likewise do we have bad people

I hate it whenever I see that stupid write up anywhere in my country that "Police is your Friend". Police can never be your friend in my country. Police in my country is for the rich people and not for the poor men. In our last presidential and gubernatorial elections, the police helped politicians to steal ballot paper and boxes.
Lol... Police in some countries are the best, while in other country they are trying to be something. That was why in what I posted I said we have good people likewise bad people. Same goes with Police Officers, we have good Police Officers likewise bad Police Officers. So if Police in your country are good like mine, congratulations!!!... Lol...
Lol... Police in some countries are the best, while in other country they are trying to be something. That was why in what I posted I said we have good people likewise bad people. Same goes with Police Officers, we have good Police Officers likewise bad Police Officers. So if Police in your country are good like mine, congratulations!!!... Lol...

As far as I'm concerned, police are not good anywhere. Is it in USA or UK that they have a better police system? They are all shades of bad. All of them are full of racist officers who work in gangs and protect themselves. Have you forgotten so quickly how the Black Lives Matter Movement started?
Well, that is true but do you also know that we have some that are good Police Officers. They stood against the racist and protected the blacks, but seriously some Police Officers are really good and God fearing in all countries. I think it's because you haven't met the good Police Officers
Well, that is true but do you also know that we have some that are good Police Officers. They stood against the racist and protected the blacks, but seriously some Police Officers are really good and God fearing in all countries. I think it's because you haven't met the good Police Officers

What I can say is that the bad one's in the police force are much than the good one's. They have more power especially from the head and that's why they find it very easy to suppress the good one's, thereby making it very difficult for them to impact any real change.

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