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From my observation, everyday you will have the option of choosing Right or Wrong, to be Great or to be Average, to Excel or to Fail, in a confusing way but you must Stand for one of them or you will Fall for any of them. So decide Wisely.
The decisions we make and take in life are what that makes our success or failure in life so therefore we should always endeavour to take a general observation of our options and so that we can make good decisions.
From my observation, everyday you will have the option of choosing Right or Wrong, to be Great or to be Average, to Excel or to Fail, in a confusing way but you must Stand for one of them or you will Fall for any of them. So decide Wisely.
In life we should be making deliberate actions to make a change about the way we live , if not things will remain stagnant. Though it could be difficult determining what is right and wrong, but making a conscious effort will change the narrative
The decision will take today determine what we will become tomorrow. But the very first mistake people make is that they take decision mostly admist troubled mind, hereby fail in making right decisions.
It is true that we humans must take decisions very often on a daily basis , and we must do it wise if we want to keep living as good as we did so far.
Every decision matters even the smallest one of them all because of the simple fact that if you don't make a decision wisely even a small one when there will be a bigger one you will do it unwisely as well... because you will get used to it, we must make our decisions wisely. And another important thing is after we make bad decisions we must forgive our selves and keep living because that's life and the past is the past, human beings make mistakes but yet must keep living.

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