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Best moments in boy's life 🙈

Saqib Ajmal

Up-and-Coming Sensation
100 Posts Club
Dec 18, 2020
If a girl purpose him first and tell him that she loves him that guy is really a lucky person ...

That moment and that time is so much special very precious and memorable for that person....
There are alot of girls who feel shy and can't express their love their feeling to that guy... she loves him alot but can't tell him she keeps everything in her heart hides her feelings....

Do you know that girl's love is more intensive and deep that man ..
when a girl falls in love with someone she loves him unconditionally and infinity so that person is really lucky who is loved and girl purpose him tells him about her feelings..

If a girl loves man she can do anything to be with him she cares for him more than anyone...
A girl tries her best to be with him because proposing someone for marriage is not easy for girl...

This is my point of view i don't know what are your thoughts about this topic...

Anyways no one has still purposed me yet hahhah lol 😂
but i have seen when boy purpose to a girl many girls reject them sometimes they accept proposal but soon their relationship end because of lack of understanding and love....

Those are lucky whom a girl falls in love with and express her feelings... i have no one who could tell me her feelings it has been 6 years but no one notices me hahhah...
Thanks for reading
The best moment in each boys life is quite different, if you are to take a poll right now, everyone will have a different moment in their life that they feel that its their best moment. The best moment of my boyhood was when I had sex for the first time.
If a girl purpose him first and tell him that she loves him that guy is really a lucky person ...

That moment and that time is so much special very precious and memorable for that person....
There are alot of girls who feel shy and can't express their love their feeling to that guy... she loves him alot but can't tell him she keeps everything in her heart hides her feelings....

Do you know that girl's love is more intensive and deep that man ..
when a girl falls in love with someone she loves him unconditionally and infinity so that person is really lucky who is loved and girl purpose him tells him about her feelings..

If a girl loves man she can do anything to be with him she cares for him more than anyone...
A girl tries her best to be with him because proposing someone for marriage is not easy for girl...

This is my point of view i don't know what are your thoughts about this topic...

Anyways no one has still purposed me yet hahhah lol 😂
but i have seen when boy purpose to a girl many girls reject them sometimes they accept proposal but soon their relationship end because of lack of understanding and love....

Those are lucky whom a girl falls in love with and express her feelings... i have no one who could tell me her feelings it has been 6 years but no one notices me hahhah...
Thanks for reading
Such is life, because those who have head have no cap and those who have cap have no head sorry about this is an adage in my country,only my country man would understand me better I guess.
The best moment in the boy's life is when the boy fall in love with a girl that truly loves. At this point in time the boy can feel nothing but joy and happiness
Though I am not a boy but I have observed that boys are happy when they get what they want especially when it comes easy. For mW the best moment in a boys life is when he has his dream job, dream girl.
For me as a guy, my most memorable moments growing up usually aligns with football, like in 2008 when my team won the ucl, football moments really are one of the best moments growing up
My secondary school days was really fun. Played a lot of basketball with my cousins and classmate. After secondary school, one can hardly get that amount of time again.
I think that if we talk about "boy or girl" I visualize children from 0 to 12 years old, which is when they are in the stage of childhood, then they enter adolescence (12-18 years old) and in this they stop being children, this according to my knowledge, so I consider that the whole stage of the child, is happy and carefree.
It must be his first love of course, it is a great feeling to fall in love with a beautiful girl you like, it happens when you like her personality and look.
It happened to me once at school and I felt so stressed while either staring or walking near her. Love is a great thing but yet when you breakup with a girl it might really hurt you and make you extremely depressed, to the boys who suffer from breakups don't let it rule your life! just live with it you cannot change the past.

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