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Google AdSense: What It Is and How to Make Passive Income?


Google AdSense: What It Is and How to Make Money​

With Adsense, advertisers pay Google for an advert placement on your website or YouTube channel. Whether you own a blog, website, forum, or YouTube channel, you probably didn’t start the online project to make money, but now you’ve got it going, why not make money from what you already enjoy doing? Google Adsense isn’t the only advertising provider that allows you to monetize, but it’s one that you’ve probably heard of before reading this review.

What is Google Adsense?​

So your probably wondering, what is Google Adsense? That’s a good question – read on to find out. Customers and business owners pay Google to advertise products, goods, or services, and you get a chunk of their revenue by hosting ads on your website or YouTube channel. Signing up is free, but first, read further on into today’s review to learn more about what they have to offer.

How Adsense Works?​

Firstly, your webpage or channel needs to be approved by the account specialist team at Google Adsense. Google does not display specific requirements, but there is some basic information on ensuring your application isn’t rejected, which includes ensuring your content is unique and complies with the publisher policy agreement set out by Google. It’s important to note that you must be 18 years of age or older, to be eligible for the program.

Once you have been approved for a website, you can start to think about implementing ad placements. There are two options; you can either pick what types of placements best suit your webpage or blog, or another option would be to consider enabling “auto ads.”

Let’s talk a little more about what Auto Ads are. Google will analyze your pages and display ads targeted towards your layout, genre, and existing content. They’re easy to use, from a click of a button. It’s important to note that companies that show up on the website have decided to be there.

Adsense allows its advertisers to compete eagerly for space on your website, based on what available content you have and how likely they are to obtain clicks on their ads from website visitors. Google bases the ad on the advertiser’s quality score. Two factors need to be considered here, including the CTR (Click Through Rate), which is the percentage of viewers to your webpage that Google thinks will click on your advertisement.


CTR (Click Through Rate): Which is the percentage of viewers to your webpage that Google thinks will click on your advertisement.

CPM (Cost Per Mile): The total cost per 1000 page views on your website.

How can I earn money with YouTube, through Adsense?​

So, for all those content creators that are out there, I feel that you have been left in the dark throughout reading this article, but don’t panic, continue reading, and you’ll be finding out how to make money by creating videos in no time. As a content creator myself, I upload about making money online, investing, and other economic style videos. Like any other YouTuber, I only had a handful of subscribers, views, and watch hours when I first started. The ability to start earning money online comes when your channel meets the YouTube Partner Program. You can read more about their policies here, but summarise:

  • Adhere to YouTube monetization policies.
  • Live in a country where the YouTube Partner Program is available to participate in.
  • Your channel needs at least 1000 subscribers in the past 12 months.
  • Your channel requires at least 4000 watch hours in the past year too.
The earnings are credited once a month to your Adsense account directly for those wondering how exactly you’ll be paid. Here is a screenshot of my revenue for the Bizdustry – YouTube channel.

How much does AdSense pay?​

Advertisers will investigate the elements mentioned above in the review and estimate what’s known as CPC or cost per click. This is how much they’ll be willing to pay every time someone clicks on ad placement on your site. Think of your website like a breath-taking landscape painting for a moment that you’ve recently put up for auction. An auction house agrees to list the item, and there is some interest. The higher quality of the painting, the more competition there will be, and the more money with be flying into your bank.

Currently, Google will give the publisher, you, a 68% revenue share, and the other 32%, Google will keep for profit. The minimum cash out is at £60 in England, and the amount varies, depending on which country your living in. Once you pass 10$/£10, a notification will appear asking for address verification, and in this instance, Google will send out an OTP (One Time Passcode/Pin) to the home address that you have on file. This usually takes up to 4 weeks to arrive, but personally, for me, it only took 2 weeks, and the 4 digit-PIN arrived in a sealed envelope.

Once the account has been fully verified, your free to start withdrawing any earnings from ad revenue. It’s important to note that your earnings will not be paid until you reach the minimum threshold, and a bank account has been confirmed through Google Pay. If you want to learn how to add a payment method or bank account, please read this article posted on the support forum of Google, which explains how to add a bank account on google pay. Google Pay is linked with Adsense.

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Adsense:​

DO Advertise yourself​

Your website will become more appealing to advertisers if visitors intend to browse around for a while. There are many great free and paid marketing techniques, but my personal favorite would be a free social media presence. Updating your Facebook Pages, Twitter Profiles, Linkedin, YouTube, and any other social media channels you have, regularly is the best place to start.

Place ads in visible places​

It’s got to work both ways. Advertisers want potential customers to see their product while you want your website visitors to see valuable content. Usually, placing one ad placement in the header and the other in the footer would be okay without the advertising taking control of the page. This is one of the hardest challenges you as a webmaster will face, so don’t be afraid to play around until you’ve got it right.

Don’t break the rules.​

Google has a few guidelines in place to protect both the advertiser and publishers from fraud. Ultimately, this can result in your account being suspended from the program, including any associated YouTube channels or websites. Most of the time, these terms and conditions are aimed at those who make content with the primary purpose of getting as much money from Adsense as possible, not at creating valuable work for what they’re passionate about. There is a long list if you would like to have a read through, so make sure you check out Google’s policies in detail.


These tips, tricks, and advice won’t work if the primary reason for running the website or channel is to make money. You must enjoy what you do and have a passion for the subject you’re talking about. Money comes after. I hope this article has helped many fellow webmasters and content creators consider using Adsense. Let me know in the comments below what you think of this Advertising Network and any experiences, positive or negative; you may have encountered
Going by what you have just said and enumerated, the use of Google adsense is important and can be used as means of making a living as well
I started using Adsense when I joined Hubpages back in 2012. I started using adsense on my blog in 2015. Since 2017, I have been earning via adsense. I receive payment regularly. The best thing about adsense is automtic payment and zero processing fee.
I don't have a blog or a website, therefore, I don't have experience with adsense. However, if I ever build blog and youtube, adsense will be my ideal monetization choice.
You should definitely try adsesne. I have tried dozens of advertising solutions but none of them pays s good as adsesne. However, you need a lot of traffic on your site to earn. You don't earn just for visits, there needs to be engagements on your ads.
adsense is paying big time currently if you know what you are doing. it is a very good way for people who are passionate about blogging to make lots of money online currently. but it is a skill set you have to learn on how to implement.

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