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Which Altcoin is a Biggest Disappointment For You?


Staff member
40,000 Post Club
Jan 5, 2021
Of all altcoin you have invested, which altcoin has disappointed you much? Well, for me it would be ADA. I started investing in ADA in 2021. When I started buying it was $2.56. Then the price started dropping and I continued buying. At a time it was 32 cents and I was still buying. However, even when Bitcoin went bullish, ADA did not gain too much value.
Of all the altcoins I've invested in, which aren't many, the one that has let me down the most is Atom Cosmos, it's been stagnant in price for a long time and I don't see much more future for it so I've sold most of my holdings.
Some of the crypto influencer/analysts I follow on youtube recommended Atom as a coin to watch. I would have bought Atom if I had funds back then but later I forgot about Atom. Thankfully I did.
Some of the crypto influencer/analysts I follow on youtube recommended Atom as a coin to watch. I would have bought Atom if I had funds back then but later I forgot about Atom. Thankfully I did.
Luckily, all my atom was staked at 20% yield per year, so that has subtracted part of the loss, luckily I didn't invest a lot of money, but hey, in investments you don't always win, you have to learn and move forward.
For me it's Cardano. I bought this token every month in the hope that I would get a big profit. Then this token was in the top 5 by capitalization and there was even a period when I received more than 40 percent profit from my investments, but I did not have time to record this profit

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