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What do you think about Bizdustry.com ? It's helpful for you ? It's easy to find some resources to make money online? You enjoy your stay here?
I think meeting new people at one place especially of your interest is difficult to find, but this website does it well in every possible way, various topic, categories can be seen so people may use it accordingly in fact in return it demands nothing except, respect each other which is the moral of our life, can't ignore it, I am new to this and can say that it can really help people to find some resources to make money online or get the right information by the community as it's easy to understand and operate.
Well, my options say that it be far better than what domain you have got now. It's longer and easy for growth. The new domain will go well with the name and what the site is. Makes sense so, why not go ahead with it then. :)

I'm pretty new here on the site and so far I do like the theme and how easy to get around, and easy to read. Like anything else as you build members and content the site grows with it and you had more things overtime.
Honestly it is amazing, love it and I am happy to be here to learn and grow with it, I am not here only to receive but also to give my gift, my creative expression.
It's a great forum and I'm happy to be a member of it. I hope in the future it's going to become more popular so that we can have lots of new people wr can chat with and share our methods of making money
Of course i like it it's one of the best forums that paying good income to theire users also the min
withdraw is only 1$ there is a lot of positifs here in bizdustry
I love the community, and the vibe of the users and of course staff members, I enjoy being in service for this collective.
We are working to make everything clear and intuitive to be used, to be found etc.
I like the forum because it gives the opportunity to see how various minds work and to also earn.
It pays me well, 1 dollar for each 10 posts I write and so far I've earned 12.5 dollars which is really not bad, and my next deal is going to be 30 dollars for 3000 posts which might take a while.
It is really nice and enjoyable to post here posts with such a great community, there are so many topics to post about and it is really charming. And moreover it is the first time that I am actually able to earn money online daily.
I am one of the top content creators here. I am also one of the top posters with the highest reactions. So, you can understand how much I love this platform and how much I am loved here. :D
For me Bizdustry was a before and after, after having been a member of 2 paid forums for publishing before Bizdustry, I joined the community just to explore it, and at the time I write this comment, it is the forum in which I have learned the most, more people I have met and where I most enjoy writing, I really like working here.
I've been on Bizdustry only a few months which had me given a staff privilege. I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon because I was new. What I discovered was Bizdustry appreciate their members who contribute towards the betterment of the forum. It's why they promoted me to become their staff.

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