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Your Mirror Self - What would it be like?

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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5000+ Posts Club
Jul 20, 2016
Lets say there is a multiverse out there, what would a mirror opposite of yourself be like?

Mine probably would be out there going after all jobs that I wish I was brave enough to go after, and probably would get.
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Lets say there is a multiverse out there, what would a mirror opposite of yourself be like?

Mine probably would be out there going after all jobs that I wish I was brave enough to go after, and probably would get.
I think I would probably be a writer there. Or an artist. And I would go pursuing the things I like and going to place I want to be in, and experiencing life as I want to. It is kind of selfish though. And it's not all about me. It's a nice thought, though.
Mine will probably to be a doctor, tank care and help the sick people, travel throughout the world for medical volunteering especially the non privilege and the poor people of Africa, just to help them get better from their sickness.
I would definitely be an army officer doing all the badass stuffs that I have always imagined that I would do but quite afraid to do in the real world.
Your mirror self is your real self, you can never deceive yourself every individual person knows his strengths and his weakness when it comes to business and order and endeavors in life and that is your true mirror.
Your mirror selfies your true reflection and also is clearview of what you look like. Some people believe the man in the mirror might be your spiritself
I would be working in a job that is related to communication which is my major in school, I will meet new friends there and will have a good time with them. I will also have a cat or two in my house and will take care of them everyday. I will still be working online and will enjoy of it and who knows maybe still on Bizdustry? :).
I will obviously still be playing video games and will chill with friends on Discord because I don't care what my age is, it doesn't really has to effect my hobbies.

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