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you won a lottery for a billion dollars, how would you not go crazy? It's an unreal amount of money.


Up-and-Coming Sensation
100 Posts Club
Jul 24, 2021
Firstly if I won a billion dollars I would buy myself a new house, some cool video game sets and a whole lots of ice cream..
Joking! Or not
Well first off, if I had a billion dollars, I could afford a full-time staff of investors and accountants to help me out, like any other billionaires have, so I wouldn't have to think about all the zeros.

The only thing left to drive me crazy would be how to spend it all. That’s actually kind of a problem.
Maybe it's because I don't have that kind of extravagant imagination.
But I will definitely buy a video game set 😅😅
Laughs, we're dreaming, its fantasy dream league where you'll get unlimited amount to spend around on any player of your choice. I'll be ecstatic if it happens real.
Even in my wildest dreams I haven't gotten that insane amount of money. The closest thing I got to huge sum of money was superpowers. Well I my opinion it's the closest 😅😅🙃🙃
If I win that whole lot of money 1 billion dollars. Wow my life has changed to good. Because first I will do lots of research on what business or investment I can do with 100 million dollars that will never fold up. Then 10 million dollars, I will use that to buy my self a house and have fun. Then 500 million, I will invest in crypto currency and diamond and other precious stone.
If I win that whole lot of money 1 billion dollars. Wow my life has changed to good. Because first I will do lots of research on what business or investment I can do with 100 million dollars that will never fold up. Then 10 million dollars, I will use that to buy my self a house and have fun. Then 500 million, I will invest in crypto currency and diamond and other precious
Good plan I guess..
You do realise people will be hunting you for your money.
If I win such amount of money . i will try as much as possible to book an appointment with a well know billionaire (mark zukerberg or Bill gates)and ask him how is able control , build his weath and live a normal life like everyone else
If I win such amount of money . i will try as much as possible to book an appointment with a well know billionaire (mark zukerberg or Bill gates)and ask him how is able control , build his weath and live a normal life like everyone else
Haha I don't think their living a normal life.
I believe if they share with you what they go through having so much money.
You might be convinced being a billionaire isn't such a good thing.

Remember it's on a maybe haha 😄
Well, I really do not know how will I keep myself calm because winning billion dollars is actually a dream come true. I would control my feelings by making myself realize that now I no longer need to suffer because now suffering has ended and now I should feel the joy in spending the money I won. :)
This a huge amount of money and it can make someone go insane if care is not taking. I have seen someone who won a huge amount of money in betting and he donated large amount of the money to his favorite club.
Good plan I guess..
You do realise people will be hunting you for your money.
Who will know that I win 1 billion dollars. Even if people knows that I win that huge amounts of money. They will only see me when they see me receiving the money but after that they will not see me around because I will travel abroad to a place that people there do not know about the money.
Haha I don't think their living a normal life.
I believe if they share with you what they go through having so much money.
You might be convinced being a billionaire isn't such a good thing.

Remember it's on a maybe haha 😄
well that true .
But I will still insist they tell coz they are sitting on such huge amount of money year in ,year out.
Am just curious to know though .
Who will know that I win 1 billion dollars. Even if people knows that I win that huge amounts of money. They will only see me when they see me receiving the money but after that they will not see me around because I will travel abroad to a place that people there do not know about the money.
This Is what a Friend did when he won over 13 million naira from sports betting. he only shares some of the close friends and use the rest to process visa to United States. He has been living there for the past 7 years now.
If I won that kind of a lottery, I would first of all seek for a tight security around me,then I would start creating establishment that can support the needy and the ones that brings back income.
Firstly if I won a billion dollars I would buy myself a new house, some cool video game sets and a whole lots of ice cream..
Joking! Or not
Well first off, if I had a billion dollars, I could afford a full-time staff of investors and accountants to help me out, like any other billionaires have, so I wouldn't have to think about all the zeros.

The only thing left to drive me crazy would be how to spend it all. That’s actually kind of a problem.
Maybe it's because I don't have that kind of extravagant imagination.
But I will definitely buy a video game set 😅😅
😅😅 Be realistic bro. This kind of money will actually make one go crazy, but with a lot of self control, you can can handle it 😅😅
If I won that much amount of money they I can decide to live an extravagant life for the rest of my life and having businesses but it's cool to dream but not all dreams come true

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