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Sometimes we see our friends rocking new things, buying cars and we start feeling bad that have nothing to show.
Stop it! Just take a look at your bank account, are you happy?
Ok good

Take another look, filter it from the beginning of the year, till today...
All your credits, Debits, bills you've paid, supports you've given, things you've bought, projects you've bootstrapped all by yourself.
All these are from your sweat, your hardwork, you didn't steal, you didn't deceive anybody, you didn't run with anybody's money.
Strictly, your hustle.
Tap yourself on the back and tell yourself you are trying! ?

Problem does not end, if it gets you worked up leave it for today and rest... tomorrow, continue from where you left it ?.
No one owes you anything
This is a wonderful motivational talk that you have made here I totally agree with you that problem never finish so therefore we shouldn't get worked up when we see others progressing but instead we should have a positive mindset so that we can also progress.
I really do appreciate for this post, this world has gotten so bad that people no longer appreciate other people's effort because it is not fake, I usually tell people to keep it real just do you. Be happy for you and not for someone else.
Only God knows I don't envy success. I always believe my time is coming. And I have never used another person life to measure my own life. I plan and if it fails, I still replan.
Everybody want to succeed but not everyone wants to put in the work. A lot of people don't know that success is not free. It must be earned.
Those are very wonderful words. Indeed sometimes we get so caught up obsessively comparing ourselves with other people that we fail to see our own blessings. It is really best to give yourself time to check on your achievements and appreciate yourself for them.
Sometimes we see our friends rocking new things, buying cars and we start feeling bad that have nothing to show.
Stop it! Just take a look at your bank account, are you happy?
Ok good

Take another look, filter it from the beginning of the year, till today...
All your credits, Debits, bills you've paid, supports you've given, things you've bought, projects you've bootstrapped all by yourself.
All these are from your sweat, your hardwork, you didn't steal, you didn't deceive anybody, you didn't run with anybody's money.
Strictly, your hustle.
Tap yourself on the back and tell yourself you are trying! ?

Problem does not end, if it gets you worked up leave it for today and rest... tomorrow, continue from where you left it ?.
No one owes you anything
You are absolutely right about this,the moment I realize am not in any competition with anyone my mind be at rest. Of you like see me as if am not doing well,but at the end we see who laugh best tho.
A very nice pep talk in have to say. You don't gain anything by being envious of someone or people of whatever they aquire. It's not a good and healthy way of life
I don't get bothered that someone has achieved more than me,rather i look at the process which the person took to achieve such success.
I appreciate you for thinking of.posting something like this, I think every once in a while we should get motivational threads because it's definitely challenging to stay happy all the time but we shod know that there's always light at the end of the tunnel so last last, we will be alright 🌝
Sometimes we see our friends rocking new things, buying cars and we start feeling bad that have nothing to show.
Stop it! Just take a look at your bank account, are you happy?
Ok good

Take another look, filter it from the beginning of the year, till today...
All your credits, Debits, bills you've paid, supports you've given, things you've bought, projects you've bootstrapped all by yourself.
All these are from your sweat, your hardwork, you didn't steal, you didn't deceive anybody, you didn't run with anybody's money.
Strictly, your hustle.
Tap yourself on the back and tell yourself you are trying! ?

Problem does not end, if it gets you worked up leave it for today and rest... tomorrow, continue from where you left it ?.
No one owes you anything
Nice encouraging words, they are needed now especially for youths today, all thanks to social media we see different people with flashy lifestyle that can make one carried away
Fantastic motivational message, no one gets it all. We can never please the world or satisfy our want or live free from problems. We should always be thankful for the life, and some achievements we've made on earth, and keep working.
Wow this is a very wonderful statement, this topic actually motivated this morning. It is good for us too congratulate ourselves for our achievements. Never look down on yourself.
Yes I'm trying because I have to try if I don't start will I be able to succeed in this kind of economy that is full of hardship. These days when the era of survival of the fittest.
Contentment is a great gain if if value it's value very much. You don't go about getting envious of everyone and try to aquire what they have to feel pleased
We all are indeed trying, we wake up each day to climb hills and break difficulties. We shouldn't allow peer pressure tell us we are not trying because we actually are. Kudos to everyone at there.
Yes absolutely everyone has his own bills and income and it is not okay to judge each other, one might receive less than the other but yet he will have more time for himself every day since he is working only 8 hours unlike the wealthier guy who works 12 hours daily. We shouldn't judge a book by its cover and money isn't everything in life anyway. We should also respect what we have and who we are because there is only one of us and everybody has their own pros and cons.

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