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Who pays the Utility bills?

It depends on the agreement signed between the tenant and the landlord. There a places where the landlord pays the utility bills but price of apartments tends to be higher in those areas. There are also apartments where tenants handle their utility bills.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?

Where I am staying, utility bills are not charged with rent and because of that, the tenants pay their utility bills on a monthly basis. The amount of money is dependent on the number of hours that you used those things such as electricity. So, nothing concerns the landlord on whether the utility bills are paid or not.
Answer some questions to find out if you're responsible for paying a gas or electricity bill you've received. Form fields marked with a star are required. However, if the tenant pays for the cost of electricity and gas, the landlord cannot claim this. Here is a list of common utility bills and how they are .
Paying your utility bills on time is important. If you're strapped for money, there are ways to control your bill and handle tough situations to keep your utilities ...
Tenants and owners

Anyone who puts their name(s) on a utility bill will ultimately be responsible for any outstanding charges. Multiple names on a bill will place responsibility on all names on the bill if payment is not fulfilled; regardless if one pays their part while another does not.
Anyone who puts their name(s) on a utility bill will ultimately be responsible for any outstanding charges. Multiple names on a bill will place responsibility on all names on the bill if payment is not fulfilled; regardless if one pays their part while another does not
I’m most cases the property owners put their name on the utilities because it’s their property and tenants can leave at anytime but this doesn’t mean the property owner pays the bills. The tenants pays the bills on the name of the property owner
Well I normally take care of my utility bills in my family, but it's funny enough that we pay for what we don't use in our country, I see it as an unreasonable exercise, the power holding company in my country are always eager to disconnect your light every month even when they did not supply electricity for the month, their extimated bills keep coming.
In many counter there are both condition utility bills paid by landlord or tenant, its depend on condition what should the decide some time landlord should marged utility bill in house rent some time tenant pay utility bill by her self.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?
Tenants are the ones to pay the utility bills. Though it would be ensured that the landlords do not charge the tenants for any more utility bills already, that is when there would be problem. But normally, it's tenants that pay.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?
Tenants should be responsible to the payment of all the utility bills. This is because the tenants are the ones using those stuffs like water, electricity and others. In as much the landlord makes those facilities available, tenants should pay for using it.
Tenants should be responsible to the payment of all the utility bills. This is because the tenants are the ones using those stuffs like water, electricity and others. In as much the landlord makes those facilities available, tenants should pay for using it.
Truly whoever uses the utilities should pay for them and this is how it’s done mostly in my country. Though I had rented an apartment where the utilities is paid with the rent and there was never any rift or ruckus on the payment of utilities
The payments depend on whatever agreements that are finalized between the landlord and tenant, the agreement may leave the Tenant to pay the utility bills as at when due, another option is that the tenant pays utility bills with whole year rent thereby leaving the bill responsibilities to the landlord. I prefer the second one because it avoids disturbances.
That is the reason why I there is serviced apartment and unserviced apartment. Service department the landlord takes care of everything, he pays the bills he pays the water bills a does everything because all the fees are in your rent. Service apartment is very costly and not for poor people.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?
The utility bills are shared among some couple or spouse,the man pays some that are on the higher side, while the woman make payment of those bills that are not too high like water supply and others. And in some situation where by the woman is not working the man pays all.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?
Utility bills being charged with rent is fraudulent and ridiculous. Rent fees are capital cost while utility bills are recurrent expenditure. In no account should they be charged with rent at the same time. The tenant are responsible for the bils however they should not pay for the bills when the services has been rendered.
The utility bills should be paid by the tenants. The are the ones using those utilities and not the house owner. But agreement should have been made before the owner rent the house out to prevent rift.
You have a very good point by saying that the tenants should be the ones paying for the utility bills. I once started in a house where I paid the utility bills with my rent, the problem we often face that time was the inability of the landlord not paying the bills in time leading to disconnection of our electricity suppy. It can stay like that for weeks before it is resolved.
Landlords in our country do not pay the bill. It is the tenants' responsibility to pay the electricity, water and gas bills. If two families live in the same house and their meters are the same, then there is an agreement between them that whatever the bills are, they will share 50% in both.
As for me I believe it is better for the renter to pay the utility bill this is because if the house owner is meant to pay the utility bills he will use that as a way to dubble the rent payment
This has been an argument for many years in my area,i feel the tenants should handle their various utility bills because the volume at which each tenants uses are different, let no one feel cheated.
In my country, this question often generates curiosities and rifts between property owners and tenants. In most cases the utility bills such as electricity, water, WiFi are charged differently from rents. The tenants cater for the utility bills while in some cases the bills are charged with the rents.
From my own perspective, I believe utility bills should be charged with rents.
To you following this thread, who should pay utility bills?
Paying the utility bill should be determined by the agreement between the house owner or the tenant, in some cases the tenant pays the bill monthly while in some house ,utility bills are paid with the house rent.

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