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Who created God?


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40,000 Post Club
Jan 5, 2021
Is God self-created, or do you think there is a higher form of existence that created all things in this universe, including God, and put the God to take the charge? What does the doctrine you follow says? I am Hindu and in Hinduism, there is a mention of higher form of existence that created the Gods.
Well, I'm a monotheist, so if it's hard for me to conceive of god, imagine how hard it is for me to think that there is something above god and that he created it and put it in charge, this is too difficult a question.
Christians worship Jesus, who is not God. Muslims worship Allah (God) and they don't worship Muhammad (messenger). I find it surprising why Christian, knowing that there is someone above Jesus, do not worship that entity.
Christians worship God, Jesus is the son of God. He is only an intermediator between God and man.
Christians worship God, Jesus is the son of God. He is only an intermediator between God and man.
Yes, Jesus is the son of God and an intermediator between humans and God. Do Christians worship God or Jesus in the Church? There is an entity higher than Jesus, or God to be precise but do you think there could be something higher than God?
Yes, Jesus is the son of God and an intermediator between humans and God. Do Christians worship God or Jesus in the Church? There is an entity higher than Jesus, or God to be precise but do you think there could be something higher than God?

In Christianity, worship is directed to God, but it is believed that God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, which is known as the Holy Trinity. So, when Christians worship, they are worshiping the one God in all three forms. Jesus, as the Son of God, is central to Christian faith because he is seen as the way to understand and connect with God.

Regarding the question of something higher than God, in Christianity, God is considered the ultimate and supreme being, with nothing higher or beyond Him.

Aside believe, I have been asking that question though since am a mortal
Christians worship Jesus, who is not God. Muslims worship Allah (God) and they don't worship Muhammad (messenger). I find it surprising why Christian, knowing that there is someone above Jesus, do not worship that entity.
It also depends on what kind of Christian we are talking about, but Christianity revolves mostly around Jesus Christ and his word, but it does not detract from his father, that is, the creator god, Jesus is not seen as a god but the son of god and his messenger on earth, I for example, am a Christian and I believe in god, But I'm very much guided by the word of Christ, because if he's the messenger of God, it's because he has the word of God for us, it's like having contact with God directly through Jesus.
@Timgab @Riberet19
Thank you guys for your though provoking response.
I belong to Hindu culture and in Hinduism, there is no concept of Messenger of God. And the books say there is someone above Gods and Goddesses.
@Timgab @Riberet19
Thank you guys for your though provoking response.
I belong to Hindu culture and in Hinduism, there is no concept of Messenger of God. And the books say there is someone above Gods and Goddesses.
Ops, never meant a thing in regards to annoyance, it is just a point. The thing is, I myself know for sure that there are other cultures and so do their believe varies. I respect and do not criticize any culture, I get to know about it instead.

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