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What's the most useful thing you own?

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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5000+ Posts Club
Jul 20, 2016
What's the most useful thing you own? I'd say that the most useful thing I own, is my phone. Never had one when I was growing up, and it does make life easier, when needing to contact people.
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The most useful thing i own now is my phone as i used it to study and at the same time make money through it. Is so precious to me
LoL the most useful thing I own currently is also my phone, majority of the work I do is online and I prefer making use of my phone for these tasks simply because it gives me access to carry out my online gigs anytime and anywhere with ease.
Same here the most useful thing right now is my phone and my laptop it sure has made alot of my work easier and faster also keeps me company at times when I find myself all alone.
Frankly speaking, seeing this question few thoughts just ran across my mind and I just realised that I'm at the moment holding the most useful thing in my hand. My phone has really helped in reducing stress in different ways.
Well.. The most useful thing I've had and i have at this point of my life is my phone, and I'd be nothing without it.
Same here, my phone is the one of the most important thing I own, phone has actually help me allot, but not that only I have own a plot of land, I rent it every season.
the useful thing I own right know is my phone as well ,my phone help me and easy my work ,I won't strees myself too much to get money ,I will just use my phone to earn money online.
Well the most useful thing I own is my phone and my laptop because it contains a lot of things about me including my bank details and so it is very important
The most useful things I owned is my phone, it is hardy you see it far away from me because without using by me nothing could be done online
The most useful thing I own is my phone, my clothes and my shoes they have made life easier for me, if I don't have clothes I don't know how I will go out each day.
What's the most useful thing you own? I'd say that the most useful thing I own, is my phone. Never had one when I was growing up, and it does make life easier, when needing to contact people.
Phone is also my most useful thing among other things I have. My phone stay with me 24 hours. I was able to make a lot of money to my phone. It has given me opportunity to learn a lot of things by browsing the internet. Some people usually say my phone is my first wife.😊😊😊
The most useful thing I own is my laptop. I use it to work online most of the time. It actually goes beyond being useful because I tend to overuse it, well beyond its capacity. I appreciate its big screen and interface. I work more efficiently with a laptop than a desktop or phone.
for me personally one of the useful thing that has been of help to me is my laptop.I have been able to acheive and accomplish alot with my gadget,and its interface has made my work very faster and easy.
It would obviously be my mobile phone I'm using daily, earning money online by writing posts or by completing surveys in an application, playing some video games with or without friends, chatting and talking on Discord with my friends. It is really useful and it can be moved to everywhere, even when you are leaving the house you can take it with you unlike computers and televisions. I'm also watching a bunch of youtube videos and having joy and happiness :).
What's the most useful thing you own? I'd say that the most useful thing I own, is my phone. Never had one when I was growing up, and it does make life easier, when needing to contact people.
Probably a pc and my phone. There pretty useful to entertain me and makes my life more easier. Ex: Before when we didnt have phones we coulnt write something really quickly to others. We had to send messages and they could take up to a week to recieve, now we just send a text and its there ready to get read.
the most useful device I own is my phone too, I can doo so many things with it, like communicating with my friends and family, earning money through apps, checking social media etc.

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