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What kind of sleep schedule do you have?


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Mar 2, 2013
Everyone operates off a different amount of sleep. What kind of sleep schedule do you have? What is your minimum hours of sleep in order for you to function?
Normally sleeping time should be 8 hours for adult and more hours for a baby. But do to work schedule and many hours put in during work makes it difficult to attend or sleep up to8 hours a day.
I graduated from needing a schedule when I retired about 20 years ago. I have a combination recliner to sit in while I watch TV and when my eyes are open there is a pretty good chance I am awake (but not always) and when they are closed I am most likely asleep. There is no schedule or required minimum or maximum, just sleep when I am tired and hope to stay awake enough to make a few bucks each day.
I don't have a sleeping schedule, most times I try not to stay pass 12am, once it's 12am I try my best to get some sleep. Then I always wake up around 4 or latest 5am to start making preparations for the day.
I work night shift so I have a crazy sleep schedule as is. I usually go to bed around 5 or 6am and wake back up around 3pm. 🤣
I am a light sleeper so even sleep of 4 to 5 hours is enough for me. I know we need to sleep for longer but i just couldn't
May you drink so much cofee or you work a lot in front of PC because it is one of the main reason for such insomnie.
I will die soon if I stop getting minimum 7 hours of sleep because there were times when I could not get enough sleep and I kept yawning whole day
My schedule is well balanced, good sleep is what we need.
I sleep on night, and wake up on dat,
You too should follow this trend.

angel posing GIF by Big Brother Canada
We need to sleep properly and having a fixed time to sleep helps a lot because this way your body will adjust and you can take the desired quantity sleep.
I don't even think about it. I am retired with nowhere to go and all day to get there, so I just work until I have to sit down in my recliner with a blanket over me and in five minutes my problem is solved.
I don't even think about it. I am retired with nowhere to go and all day to get there, so I just work until I have to sit down in my recliner with a blanket over me and in five minutes my problem is solved.
Nepoleon said about his sleep -
6 hours for men
7 hours for women
8 hours for fool
I love 8 hours minimum, but don't always achieve it.
I only spend 5 to 6 hours of sleep. I feel sleepy at 8 in the evening and wake up at 2 dawn. I have this sleep pattern this time But I feel okay to this number of hours sleep.
I only spend 5 to 6 hours of sleep. I feel sleepy at 8 in the evening and wake up at 2 dawn. I have this sleep pattern this time But I feel okay to this number of hours sleep.
This isn't good I think, but if you have a pattern, then keep it up. You will be able to have good healthy exersise or yoga at dawn.
This isn't good I think, but if you have a pattern, then keep it up. You will be able to have good healthy exersise or yoga at dawn.
That is my usual sleep pattern 5 hours of sleep. I also do not feel sleepy during the day no matter how busy I am. I just eat the right foods to condition myself and maintain healthy meals.

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