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What is your New Year’s resolution?


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1000 Posts Club
May 4, 2015
Now 2023 has come, has anyone got any New Year’s resolutions? It could be anything, aimed at positively impacting your life or even somebody else.

For me, mine is to pass my driving test for my motorcycle.
I have a few New Year's resolutions myself that I would like to stick to and hopefully achieve in 2023. Usually, I am not someone who tends to make New Year's resolutions as I never usually stick to them but the ones I have made for this year, I am determined to stick to.

First of all, I would like to drink more water and start to work out a little more to get into better shape, I have been looking at weighted hula hoops and would like to be able to get one of those this year and attempt to use that and see how it works out for me.

I would also like to work more on my business online and hopefully see an increase in my earnings this year. With so much uncertainty at the moment with the world and the economy, the best thing for me to do would be to ensure I am okay financially to help me and my family through.
My new year resolution is about self development. I would love to live more in the moment, take care of my physical and mental health, stay positive, learn new skills and hold the people close to me more dear.

I also have big plans for my career. I am soon starting my public health licensing internship and I hope it goes well - I will work smart for it. After that, I will be qualified to apply for jobs in the public health field.
My new year resolution is to build a good business that bring to me all money I needed this year.

The type of business I want to create is the business that will bring in weekly or monthly . Not business you'll be doing for long-time without anything.
I have a few basic goals for the year. The first is to loose 30 to 40 pounds in weight hopefully by the end of the upcoming year. The second is to get a job at a limestone mine, that mines for raw calcium carbonate, which is used in livestock feed, and in powdered medication as a filler. The last item, is to get the forum I am creating, finished and relatively successful.
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My new year resolution is not very long.
I aim to better everyday by learning and personal development. I'll make multiple investments and save more from my earnings.
I do not really have a new year's resolution this time around, i just want to focus on growing my personal business which i just started without any pressure. Certain times we tend to put pressure on ourselves simply cause we want to meet up.
Now 2023 has come, has anyone got any New Year’s resolutions? It could be anything, aimed at positively impacting your life or even somebody else.

For me, mine is to pass my driving test for my motorcycle.
My new year's resolution is to workout all days without any break for none health related reasons.
I have been trying to build my muscles since last October but due to my procrastination, I always stopped doing it after a few days. Hopefully, I won't bow down to my procrastination this time.
My new year resolution is to make new money and also start one business that'll be bringing me money consistently. I have decided to learn one skill this year.

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