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What does age tell you?

Age mean a lot in human life because the a day add to your birth day the your body system get weakened and you become feeble
First of age is just a number but then it matters a lot to so many people and it can be used to determine a person's Level if he or she is ready for retirement
What does a person's age tell us? What do we know about a sixty-year-old that's different from a thirty-year-old?
Age tells me that a person has experiences. It doesn't necessarily mean that these are years of wisdom and positive knowledge. The fact still remains that an older person has lived more years and has more stories to tell.
On my own point of view age means you're no more young but rather you are growing old and you have to achieve your goals or one has to make all his dreams to come to pass.
One thing that comes to mind when we talk about age is that it is a factor for determining experience and exposure which to an extent is kinda true given that a sixty year old man would have an experience than a thirty year old guy
That is definitelly the fact,bcause the experience of life the sisty years old man will have and bring to the table will be quite different from what a thirty years old man will present.
Age tells of experience, capabilities, etc. There are things a 60 year old cannot do which a 30 year old can do and visa versa. When a person advance in age, sight becomes a problem, some lack of hearing, and the strength in doing some things deteriorate. and a younger person will need an older person for history issues and the likes.
The only thing I have been able to achieve is just for me timy dream was on it was there is no time.. a lot of people may still believe there is so much time in their life but this is not always as they think it is.
Age is just an indicator on how grow you are in the physical area of your body. I have discovered that age does not determine achievement. You are going to see those who are younger than you and achieving a lot more than you and vice versa.
Age shows how much experience that a individual has had at the course of their lifetime. It's what teaches us to focus as it does not wait for anyone.
What age do l mean is that determination is the only way to achieve success in life together with the experience, experience will always act as a guiding principle in the life of everyone. This is quite different from people, depending on what you believes on.
One thing that comes to mind when we talk about age is that it is a factor for determining experience and exposure which to an extent is kinda true given that a sixty year old man would have an experience than a thirty year old guy
That is actually true ,but in most cases most times age cannot really tell how well a person has gotten experience about life,because a person who is somehow younger can have a bit of experience than a elder person.
The more the person earns years the more seasoned he becomes, He experienced life for many years there are also older things he would know but we wouldn't. we also know that he is from a different generation with a different society and different behaviors, they were raised differently than our generation.
It may not apply to everyone. But, I believe that age tells about the experience. With age, we face different experiences in life. During my childhood, the only thing I do was play, eat, study, and sleep. At that time, the biggest fear of mine was exams, but as I grow up the meaning of fear and importance changed.
The first thing he tells you is that you also meant to grow even as your age increase. It tells you that the responsibility on you increase at your pick-up is at your most youthful age and then you decline gradually as you grow older. He also tells you that you have to apply wisdom in your finance and your day-to-day activities generally because what you do now you tell the future.

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