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What does age tell you?

Age and aging have four dimensions. The dimension most of us think of is chronological age, defined as the number of years since someone was born. A second dimension is biological aging, which refers to the physical changes that “slow us down” as we get into our middle and older years.
The misconception that people should work according to their age is killing the generation I think age is just a number and you should less focus about age and focus on building a career because that is the only thing that matter.
Age tell me that the right thing must be done at the right time and in the right place because time waits for nobody and nobody and nothing will live or last forever.
Age tells a lot of things. It's obvious that a 60 year old will be more experienced and act more mature than a 30 year old person
Age can tell us a lot about someone and what they are capable of doing, imagine if you want to employ someone and the work is kind of tedious, wont you rather employ a theory year old man instead of a sixty year old man!
Age signifies capabilities though not in all cases.
Age explains achievements.
Age tells one's strength and energy.
A person's can say a lot about the person but age cannot tell a person's lifespan, i.e, you can say because a person a 25, he or she still has like 60 years to live neither can you say because the man is 70, he will die in the next 2 years. Age does not count when it comes to people's lifespan.
That I am not growing younger, I need to work hard to be successful and assist those who are weak and therefore their needs ought to be provided by me most of family members.
What does a person's age tell us? What do we know about a sixty-year-old that's different from a thirty-year-old?
Age tells me just one thing,plan ahead so you won't be struggling when you are supposed to be on break,age is not only a number but a determinant to stages in our lives.
What does a person's age tell us? What do we know about a sixty-year-old that's different from a thirty-year-old?
Most people are just tells me they are older than me what else is it meant to tell me, the way of the days of noah is different from the way of the days of christ.
Most people accept that getting old is an inevitable part of life. We are born; we grow to become fertile adults, and then our bodies age until they expire at an average age of eighty for men and eighty four for in British Columbia. As we age, some of the inevitable symptoms include graying and thinning hair, loss of fertility, weakening bones, decreased brain
Well, I guess the main thing age tells me is the experience, if I see a sixty something year old person I should be able to detect that he or she has gained alot of experience be it in their career or life in general.
age tells us many things ,it tells many things ,the life you are living when you are a kid is different from the life you are living presently, age tells us many things
Age is telling me that I have limited time to achieve the few remaining that I can achieve now. But 60yrs will be telling me that at old age I can't do the 30yrs old doings.
Age is telling me that I have limited time to achieve the few remaining that I can achieve now. But 60yrs will be telling me that at old age I can't do the 30yrs old doings.
that's true,age tells us many things,age tells us on how to live our life well pleased before our maker , when you are growing older age tells you how you live presently is different from how you live it then.
Sometimes experience is what brings maturity to some people, a man of 30 years may be arrogance and inexperience in life based on how he lives his life and some of the division he makes, people with experience who are older might make decisions based and their difference encounter in life.
Age tells me a lot of things. I can't forget when I was a kid I always say to my mum I want to be a Nigerian soldier but now the interest is no more. Age tells me who I'm.
Age tells a lot of things. It's obvious that a 60 year old will be more experienced and act more mature than a 30 year old person
Which means form your point of view, age tells how mature a person should think and act? Though I agree with you, but I have also seen cases whereby persons of 35 to 40 years still make immature decisions.
Age comes with responsibility which it inform you of need and want you wanna accomplish but looking at life some how age run faster this days
Age tell us alots.with age we can do a lot of things perfectly.Any body that is young will very active in his business or daily activities. In short age differenciate between young and old person.
From my observation and what I have come to understand is that I do not really have time in my life and the best time for me to achieve all the things I dream for is now and after that I believe there will be no other time again..
Which means form your point of view, age tells how mature a person should think and act? Though I agree with you, but I have also seen cases whereby persons of 35 to 40 years still make immature decisions.
Yes, age tells how mature a person should think and act but age isn't a measure of maturity.
Age does not dictate some of the things that I want to achieve in my life. I consider myself forever Young at heart. I maintain a mindset of students throughout my life and this gives me a chance to know a lot of things.

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