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What Are Your Monthly Expenses In General?


Ledgendary Member
40,000 Post Club
Feb 6, 2021
Spending money each month is a quite normal thing many people's life. Each and every person spends money. However, we must know that each and every person's expenses might be different, according to their income. So what are your monthly expenses?
My monthly expenses used to be pretty much the same month in and month out until the cost of living crisis happened to be honest. I used to know exactly how much I would spend on shopping and any other expenses I had each month for bills and such but then things changed and now it can vary between being more than the previous month and less than the previous month. Due to that, it can sometimes make it difficult to budget as well as I used to.

I would say on average my expenses for the month are around £1467 a month which includes all bills, food, services I use such as internet, and also my rent as well.
My monthly expenses used to be pretty much the same month in and month out until the cost of living crisis happened to be honest. I used to know exactly how much I would spend on shopping and any other expenses I had each month for bills and such but then things changed and now it can vary between being more than the previous month and less than the previous month. Due to that, it can sometimes make it difficult to budget as well as I used to.

I would say on average my expenses for the month are around £1467 a month which includes all bills, food, services I use such as internet, and also my rent as well.

Well, my monthly expenses are quite high. However, I have been trying to control my expenses in this month of February. It would be really tough as inflation is really high.
My monthly expenses usually includes;
  1. House rent.
  2. Mobile data and airtime subscription.
  3. Foods that I buy in bulk.
  4. Electricity bill.
  5. Netflix subscription.
Apart from this, I also send some money to my dad and last born brother. I also travel occasionally.
I spend money on food mostly every month. I also spend on data subscription. I help with paying fees for my sibs. I think those are the regular monthly expenditures. Others like clothes and transportation are not regular because I work from home and I buy clothes once in a while.
My monthly expenses usually includes;
  1. House rent.
  2. Mobile data and airtime subscription.
  3. Foods that I buy in bulk.
  4. Electricity bill.
  5. Netflix subscription.
Apart from this, I also send some money to my dad and last born brother. I also travel occasionally.

This "netflix" is a company that posts really bad content. They post movies that has hurt the feelings and religious beliefs of people. They also upload racist content as well.
My monthly expenses usually includes;
  1. House rent.
  2. Mobile data and airtime subscription.
  3. Foods that I buy in bulk.
  4. Electricity bill.
  5. Netflix subscription.
Apart from this, I also send some money to my dad and last born brother. I also travel occasionally.
If I were you I would have removed the Netflix subscription from my expenses list and added something useful like a course subscription or gym subscription.
This "netflix" is a company that posts really bad content. They post movies that has hurt the feelings and religious beliefs of people. They also upload racist content as well.
I have never found any such content in Netflix. Maybe cause I love watching comedy and family tv. So I have never found any problems with it and so I still subscribe to use it for my entertainment.
Well I am not a family man yet, so my monthly expenses is not that much. I do spent on feeding, rent, electricity, water, clothes, creams, recharge card and others.
Well I am not a family man yet, so my monthly expenses is not that much. I do spent on feeding, rent, electricity, water, clothes, creams, recharge card and others.
Well I am not a family man yet, so my monthly expenses is not that much. I do spent on feeding, rent, electricity, water, clothes, creams, recharge card and others.
My monthly expenses used to be pretty much the same month in and month out until the cost of living crisis happened to be honest. I used to know exactly how much I would spend on shopping and any other expenses I had each month for bills and such but then things changed and now it can vary between being more than the previous month and less than the previous month. Due to that, it can sometimes make it difficult to budget as well as I used to.

I would say on average my expenses for the month are around £1467 a month which includes all bills, food, services I use such as internet, and also my rent as well.
The cost of living has really increased so much and my expenditure has greatly increase as well making me work more than how I use to work formerly in order to earn more.
House rent and food bills consist for a large percentage of my expenses. These are necessary expenses, so there is no way I can cut these expenses. I work from home, so I do not have to spend a lot of money on fuel.
I spend about $50 personally. My husband takes care of most of the expenses and we don't rent our house.

It's mostly for personal items like internet subscription, toiletries and snacks.
I spend about $50 personally. My husband takes care of most of the expenses and we don't rent our house.

It's mostly for personal items like internet subscription, toiletries and snacks.

My monthly expenses are quite high and now I am trying to control them, but it is not that simple. The fact remains that inflation is the only reason why I am clearly not able to save money at all.
Well they are just the normal day to day needs like food, transport, data and airtime, clothing and rent. My income at the end of the month is not much, so I try to live a frugal life b

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