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What are your bad habits?

Procrastination. I think it has eaten deep inside me I can't go a day without procrastinating on what I should do today for tomorrow. I told people if I could overcome procrastination I will be one of the richest men in my country.
My bad habit is that I uses my teeth to cut my finger nails
I have been doing this for a long time now and I find it hard to stop it
It makes my fingers look ugly and I'm very ashamed about it
Sometimes I cut my fingers with my teeth in public and it's very embarrassing.
My bad habits are not so bad i think but as compared to good these are bad.
I play a lot of games even when I m stuck in work
I sleep a lot and without sleep m so bad at doing work and i require long sleep
I m afraid to do a new task and not so comfortable with this even though i have experience in that
And most common these day is smoking which i do regularly
Me being impatient, i need to change that. In investments im always impatient with days for my investment plan to be finished. In business im impatient when things are not running smoothly.. i want it to be a success As soon as possible.. it's a bad trait..
my BAd habit as I know is that I am always very simple with people and as a result of this a lot of people are taking me for granted so much and I've started developing a difficult mind to make sure I'm no more simple with people anymore because people cannot appreciate the goodness of other people.
My bad is I don't know how to pretend on something I don't want. If something is uppset me it will show on face to the extent that people around me will notice. Another one is if I want to do simething and I feel like sleeping I will not sleep until I do that thing because it will be on my mind.
Postponing your goals. ...
Living a mediocre life.
Self-sabotaging. ...
Running from your problems. ...
Worrying about your flaws. ...
Trying to control everything. ...
Blaming others. ...
Trying to be something you are not
One of my bad habits that is greatly troubling me and am fervently looking for a solution to the problem, it's procastination. Procastination has limited my ability to really achieve things I intended on doing in my life. But one day I hope to break this circle.
I procastinate too which is not good because it just steal off time that could be use to execute that particular thing or project an individual should have done. If one can learn how do the right thing at the right without letting something else distract u then we will definitely have an edge over life and its uncertainties.
That question what are your bad habit, will let one understand that there is no perfection anywhere.Only God almighty is perfect.
Really,one can not know most of them until you are told.
There is no perfection anywhere,so no body in form of human being is perfect,only our maker God Almighty is perfect.
In other words,we have one short comings,or the other. Only praying to God Almighty to take away such weakness and bad habit.
my BAd habit as I know is that I am always very simple with people and as a result of this a lot of people are taking me for granted so much and I've started developing a difficult mind to make sure I'm no more simple with people anymore because people cannot appreciate the goodness of other people
We are all trying to be a perfectionist but we can't reach that level because no human being is perfect, but the bad habits i have is that i am hot tempered in such a way that any little thing i can get easily annoyed thats why my classmate in school then used to call me muscle as my nickname.
Every body have bad habbits because everybodies are not perfect.., and one of my bad habbit is to trust on any one i dont understand who is my friend and who is my enimy... There are double faced people around us and i can, t recognise the real
You are right, we all have bad habits, mine is always trying to defend the indefensible, always expecting the best from people. Many times I am told and advised to be careful and prudent but in my humanity I forget the advice and I always try to help even if it affects me.
There is no doubt that everybody has a bad side. Mine is multitasking. I like doing many things at a time. The fact is that I cherish time and I hate it when it is wasted. That's why I always multi-task but end up messing things up most of the time.
I think the bad habit that I do have and is trying to work on to be a better person business wise Is the area of patience. I tend to want results to deliver very quickly even with some very minimal input being put into it. I hope that I become more patient.
If the bad habits you were talking about is business related, I will say the bad habits I have in business is unplanned and wasteful spending after successfully saving a reasonable amounts of money to do something tangible. This is the only business bad habits that I am seriously working on.
When it comes to changing some detestable habits to see our business flourish we need to adopt right demeanor, always be polite with our customers all time, refrain from having hot temper.
Procrastination is one my bad habits, if a project is nearing it's deadline I won't be hyped to do it and that's really bad because it cuts short on preparation duration, other bad habits is not objective so might not be so for everyone

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