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What are your bad habits?

My bad habit that I want to stop as soon as possible is the habit of frowning and putting aggression on my employees. I usually do this to make them do their work very fast without hinderance or sluggishness so as to improve our sales.
The explanation why giving up cigarettes can be the most difficult addiction to crack is almost a description of all the points mentioned in this article: on the surface, it does not always clearly harm your life in the way gambling, alcohol or drugs are.
Concerning negative behavior patterns. All things considered, each human has or show one character or a propensity that may be horrendous
I've been biting my fingers since I was young. Like, literally chewing the skin/flesh off them. A couple of my fingers are missing skin and have these rough, pink patches there instead. Also, Procrastinating work I know I can do very easily in a short amount of time; it's annoying because I end up doing nothing practical in the meantime and spend all of my energy thinking about what I'm supposed to be doing.
I own is that overanalyse things, when I have something in mind to do or someone introduce something to me, instead of acting, I begin to analyze and look for something wrong about the ideal, but am on the verge of stopping it.
my bad habits are
I am lazy, I just don't know why I am
I trust people easily and in the end I got dissapointed
I eat too much too
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my bad habits are
I am lazy, I just don't know why I am
I trust people easily and in the end I got dissapointed
I eat too much too
Of course everyone got weaknesses. Actually, I won't say that I've got a bad habit like smoking, drinking, going to the clubs and getting wrong and so many of them.
One of the weaknesses i have is lack of time management, I don't really socialize with people and of course, I snub people alot.
I could get emotional at times too.
Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
The worst part is when we eat too much food and because of that we get too much obesity which leads to diabetes, hepatitis and high blood pressure which causes us to lose weight in life. Nothing can be achieved and we have to suffer a lot and we have to avoid them so that he can become a successful person. I think the worst habits are in our life.
An habit is any character or behavior that you do both consciously and unconsciously. Habit is what has become your nature. I think my so called bad habit is that I find it difficult to believe or trust anyone or anything without a proof for me to do so
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An habit is any character or behavior that you do both consciously and unconsciously. Habit is what has become your nature. I think my so called bad habit is that I find it difficult to believe or trust anyone or anything without a proof for me to do so
I am chronic lazy person. In fact, it is affecting me in all area of my life. Things that I am suppose to have done last is yet to be done now. This leads to the second which is procastination. Pulling things off til next time comes naturally to me. Since last Saturday that I have cashed out of Bizdustry, this will be my first post since then. These two are the major root of my personal problem.
My bad habit is procrastination. Countless times I had planned to do something but ended up postponing my plans. Procrastination is bad in such that it makes one break promises. When you say you will do something at a time but you didn't do it until it is late. I do plan to stop it but it is a little hard sometimes.
When we look at bad habit I want to believe we are reffering to what are those things that are socially wrong or better put those things that are moral wrong and those things that may not meet up with social uprightness. So otherwise what one person may consider a bad habit may be a good habit to another person. I wil consider my attribute of been a perfectionist as a weak or negative stop for me as everyone cannot be the same.
I think, procrastination is my bad habit. Though I do not go about telling people my plans because I'm a very private person. I keep making some plans and moving it for later. I'm learning to do something as soon as I plan for it just to avoid the procrastination.
My bad habit is spending money lavishly.
And this is a very bad habit, it affects someone financial growth negatively.
Spending money without planning, it a very bad habit
As for me my bad habit is when am expecting something from someone I couldn't get it after promising and giving me time and date also when I promise someone something and such person now keeps disturbing me with calls before the time I promised
My bad habit is wanting to do 30 projects at once. I usually do way better when I focus on one project until its completed before I hop to the next one.

Multitasking is not for everyone. That is what we need to admit as humans. You can't just say that you want to achieve 30 projects at once, but end up achieving nothing at the end of the day. This is why one got to look at multi-tasking as not the best way when you are not fully focused on all projects at once.
People will still have patterns that not all of them do. The culture finds one of the habits I do to be poor is excessive time on my telephone. I believe it's bad because it just encourages you to search your phone and you're not going to do anything else.
In all aspects of life their is always a bad habit. Habits can be avoided depending on how you have been brought up. Bad habits doesn't necessarily mean bad behaviour, i have seen people with bad habits but of a very reputable character.
My bad habit is that I like procrastinating things most especially work. When am suppose to do something I won't do it immediately which is so wrong and at times concluding on a decision is also another bad habit I have but once o conclude I have decided.
An adage says no one is perfect,so no one can say he/she doesn't have a bad habit,my bad habit is that I procrastinate and spend more time doing irrelevant things that are time wasting and also I'm highly temperamental I get angry easily and in order to prevent this I avoid meeting people

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