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What are your bad habits?

I have some bad habit which I have been trying to stop but still find it very difficult to stop such habit include anger, overspending for ladies, procrastination, stay alone and lot more but I know with time I will get over those bad habits
You really have a huge work to do in the aspect of spending money on ladies especially when they are not your wife or siblings or your mother. They don't really worth it too much of the time because they are equally getting the same thing from another man, so in essence they are just leaches that will suck you till you get nothing left.
My negative habit is I am a pessimistic person and I always think of something negative that will happen and as well I tend to buy things that I usually don't need and end up storing them and letting my family and friends to use them.
Habits are those things one can not without. Habitual thing vary from person to person. Chewing gum is one of the salients habit that people don't really pay cognizant to. Excessive use of drugs or abusing drugs is also an habit and this had led many to their early graves. Smoking is another bad habit that is deadly. Furthermore, womanizing is an habit to some extent.
Starting a session of research without a schedule.
Waiting to start an assignment until the last minute.
Spending hours researching, but having little done.
Getting distracted by mobile phones and social media.
Studying right in front of the TV.
My negative habit is I am a pessimistic person and I always think of something negative that will happen and as well I tend to buy things that I usually don't need and end up storing them and letting my family and friends to use them.
The most important thing now is that you know one of the biggest weaknesses that has been limiting your life or your business progress. Now, it's highly important that you work on getting this habit in check because the sooner you can do that, the better it's going to be for you to become who you are meant to be.
The only bad habit I think I have in which I have later came to accept and working on it right now, cos I always deny it when people tells me but my wife studied me, realises it, sat me down and told me I am temperamental in nature ...
Spending is my bad habit and I do not know how to spend wisely. As a business owner you must know how to spend wisely so that you will not run at lost, you should think wisely and spend money on asset goods not liability
My bad habit include things like procrastination. That's my major problem because I noticed how this stuff have affected my life over the years which is actually not so good. But trying so hard to adjust
Nobody is perfect in this world every person has some good habits and some bad .My bad habit is I'll cry immediately on small things whether it is good or bad .My second bad habit is i trust the people blindly and this habit hurts me most.....................
My bad habit is that am to stubborn for some one liking. Then I now find it hard to stop my stubbornness.
My bad Habits are not working on extra platforms and do not participating in these sites ,as I need to earn extra and it is more important for me to complete my requirements but still I cannot takeout the extra time and work there.
This is my gig bad habit and I want to overcome from this condition.

Bad habits are basically things you have clear knowledge of being wrong but still go ahead to do it. Things you are not really proud of and things you will want to stop doing if possible or given the chance to. Smoking and gambling can be a bad habit to you but to others gossipping can be theirs
My bad habit in business is the habit of improving my sales and profit with just a subsistence means at all cost.
I actually notice this when I see that everything is that my workers are doing is not always please to my own opinion.
The only bad habit I think I have in which I have later came to accept and working on it right now, cos I always deny it when people tells me but my wife studied me, realises it, sat me down and told me I am temperamental in nature ...
Anger is a very powerful emotion if you know how to harness its power and use it in a positive way. It can propel you to achieve things that you can't be able to achieve under normal emotions and feelings. The only problem is that most people get lost when they are angry and it makes them do things out of the line.
Nobody is amazing as a bunches of individuals profess to be what they are definitely not. I've seen a bunches of faker. My own test is that I got irritated on seemingly insignificant detail as particularly with regards to penetrate of trust on my character.
My bad habit is that I like procrastinating things most especially work. When am suppose to do something I won't do it immediately which is so wrong and at times concluding on a decision is also another bad habit I have but once o conclude I have decided.
Procastination of things only to start doing it later and then put myself on the cliff of edge which get me stampeded in the course of carrying out the task of making it
Nobody is amazing as a bunches of individuals profess to be what they are definitely not. I've seen a bunches of faker. My own test is that I got irritated on seemingly insignificant detail as particularly with regards to penetrate of trust on my character.
Haha, this was exactly my kid sister's way of life. Sometimes I would sit her down and talk to her about how I feel with the way she acts up. She's quite the emotional type, she would cry a little bit and in few weeks time, she would still revert back to her default settings.
As far as am concern, everyone can not be found that so perfect we all are working towards perfection, on daily based we try to make thing perfect in our own ways or lifestyle, perfection to some might imperfection in another person view.
Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
I believe that the main negative habit that I must eliminate in order to be more productive and manage and use my time more efficiently, is the habit of spending hours and hours on Instagram and Facebook, it is incredible how addictive social networks can be and how much time they consume, and the worst thing is that many times we do not even notice it, but it is valuable time that we lose instead of spending it on more edifying things

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