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What are your bad habits?

Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
By Nature I am a hard working person but my biggest bad habit is that I am not consistent in my efforts, someday I made a lot of efforts and in the next day I become lazy and leave my work undone.
And the second bad habit is excessive use of mobile phone
Know one is perfect on the planet including myself. We all have something we wish you can change about us. One of my bad habits is that I get overwhelmed by things easily. I panic about everything and nothing sometimes. I can single handed create a problem where there is none in my head and then worry about it.
One of my bad habit that I have been praying to stop until now is getting easily distracted in my place of work by mundane things. Focusing on my job in the midst of distraction is an herculean task that I am still trying to overcome.
One of my bad habits is procrastinating. I know that this habit is common especially among teenagers. This results to not passing my requirements on time and not being productive during a day.
One of my bad habits is that I always do cramming and I often just chill when I have requirements to comply and would just start doing it if the deadline is near which then leads to me, cramming.
People will always have habits that's not doing by everyone. One of the habits that I do that is considered bad by the society is excessive time on my phone. I agree that it is bad because it also makes you just using your phone browsing and you'll not do anything else.
My number one bad habit is unnecessary anger, little things normally gets me very angry, I insult a lot, I also operate phone a lot up to 20 - 21 hours in a day, I'm trying to control my anger and limit my insult, the journey hasn't been easy but I know that God willing I would eventually over come these bad habits they has been drawing me backward.
Biting my fingers
Difficult to make and keep friends
Quick to conclude on people
Easily offended
Hate stupidity abd stupid people
Too punctual and faithful
Easily irritated
Don't have time for unproductive things
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Biting my fingers
Difficult to make and keep friends
Quick to conclude on people
Easily offended
Hate stupidity abd stupid people
Too punctual and faithful
Easily irritated
Don't have time for unproductive things
one bad habbit i need to change is procrastinating, i tend to delay before making certain important decision
My bad habit centered on consistency.
Identifying needs for something, building up of my motivation and putting in effort geared toward achieving that which I desire but somewhere along the line, boredom sets in at gradually losing focus till I quit.
I set out to exercise my body by engaging HIIT 5 to 10 minutes daily exercise but I can tell you that I started, seen positive result but presently I am off
No human being is perfect. Everyone needs some bad habit.
Yes, but the real characteristic of man is to find and get rid of these bad habits.
Believing in everyone is a trait in me that makes me feel bad.
Every has bad habits and a dark side, irrespective status, gender or spirituality.
It becomes worse when you make zero or no efforts to curtail them.
I have got this bad habit of extreme anger.i mean it takes time for mw to get angry, but once i finally become angry, i could destroy properties, any property i lay my hands on.
One of the habits that I hate about me is being inconsistent at times. There are instances where at first I was motivated about something but the next few days I'm no longer interested to do that. There are many more habits but I want to emphasize this more.
Bad habit can affect your life seriously. We can never grow in anything we do if our habit is something we can not write home about.
Sometimes i will like to accomplish a huge task all in the same time.
This kind of behavior is really detrimental to my health.
Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
Everyone has negetive as well as positive habits and one should have to remove nagetive habits my bad habbits are I don't concertrate on study because I do reply on cell phone and study at a time and in this haven't get any one thing properly whether other my bad habits are trust on anyone quickly ,cannot control emotion ,blind trust on close relatives
My bad habit is wanting to do 30 projects at once. I usually do way better when I focus on one project until its completed before I hop t

Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
I HV many bad habits that are running my life.
One of my bad habbit is day dreaming.
& This is the wrost disappointing thing in me.
Postponing your goals. Living a mediocre life. Self-sabotaging. Running from your problems. Worrying about your flaws. Trying to control everything. Blaming others. Trying to be something you are not.
My bad habits is too much talking and it do affects me, I will keep working on controlling my tongue so as to save me from trouble.
or what could be a solution to my talkertive habit?
The only bad habit I can think of is not even bad perse, I multi-task a lot. At work, I'm trying to take on two or more tasks at the same time and at first, it looks like I'm getting the hang of it but before I know it, it's all wrong and I would have to start all over.
Multi-tasking is good but it shouldn't be abused, don't take on too many tasks when you know you can't handle all at once.
Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way of dealing with stress and boredom. Everything from biting your nails to overspending on a shopping spree to drinking every weekend to wasting time on the internet can be a simple response to stress and boredom

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