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What are your bad habits?

There is no one who is perfect everyone has flaws the good thing is to recognise it and work towards making amends. My bad habit is not accepting I am wrong,and I do bite my nails.
I have to say my spending habits! I am trying to control it so I can save up to buy a new laptop and start my career as a free lancer
Well for me as someone that has been earning money online on this platform I am this kind of a person that can be so lazy to do some work especially on this platform but I thank god that I am changing gradually.
I think one bad habit I have is spending unnecessarily , but I am actually doing all the best I could to put a stop on such habit and be of good management of resources and less spending
Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
One thing I would like to change about my self is my lack of consistency sometimes I'll plan things and when they start working out well I'll deviate and do something else,I would like to train myself to stick to plan
Everybody can't be actually ideal which is actually why all of us have actually our poor edges. Inconsistency is just one of the poor practices I posses. When I obtain as well practical along with cash creating I obtain contented which impacts my efficiency. However I am currently dealing with being actually a much better individual.
My bad habit is basically procastination. I say i want to do something and the next hour am stalling and i eventually end up not doing it.
No one is a perfect match to the world. We all have flaws and sometimes our shortcomings hunt us in the eyes. The ability to adjust the shortcomings to suit the present situation matters. My shortcoming is nonchalant attitude. I just do things without due consideration and necessary consultation.
I always dilly dally my tasks. I wait until when the dealing is anon. I do not start working on the project as soon as I receive. I start working only when the deadline is about to end.
Reading about successful people I gather that we all have bad habits but successful people has dedicated themselves to consistently improving themselves and getting rid of their negative attitudes.
The bad habit that i have and I'm hoping to allow leave me right now is procrastination. I tend to delay things that would be very beneficial to me and I won't bother to do it at all in some cases
The bad habit that i have and I'm hoping to allow leave me right now is procrastination. I tend to delay things that would be very beneficial to me and I won't bother to do it at all in some cases
Sometimes I am also under the spell of procrastination especially when I do not like the task. But I can force myself to do it quickly by thinking of the consequences.
My bad habit is wanting to engage in several projects within a stipulated time frame. I noticed I'm more efficient when I divert my attention to one project at a time and my problem also is procrastination.
No one is perfect so everyone must a bad habit in one way or other, I know I have a bad habit but I don't really know my bad habit for now.
My bad habit is wanting to engage in several projects within a stipulated time frame. I noticed I'm more efficient when I divert my attention to one project at a time and my problem also is procrastination.
Personally I have this bad habit of procrastination in something that I'm supposed to do which I know it is not a good thing so I'm working on correcting it.
I think procrastination is the main negative habit I need to tackle seriously. It affects me by making me unable to complete important projects and tasks on schedule.
the badest habbit in me is when am pissed up I can't control myself.but I met a great adviser who make my life to be a turnaround and I am taking control over my anger.
I think procrastination is the main negative habit I need to tackle seriously. It affects me by making me unable to complete important projects and tasks on schedule.
Seriously procrastination is a very big problem for anybody who it's been affected by because it's going to make you to always deliver your supposed to do when we are supposed to do it and keep making excuses.
One of my most bad habit is anger, I get angry easily at the little things that doesn't really matter, I like to say things that are painful to me easily which bad for me and many other bad habits
Well I am very bad at marketing and I guess that is all when it actually comes to business and I have been able to learn on how to actually do it right and I guess that is all there is
My bad habit is feeling so weak in working too hard so to make good money for myself, I am planning on how to work on this habit.

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