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What are your bad habits?

You are very right to have tried to concentrate on one project at a time and finishing it to go to the next. We all can understand that need to get everything we want to do done at once
Getting involved in multiple projects is a very bad habit. Doing multiple businesses at a time without good resources to fund it will make the business to fail within a short period of time.
My bad habit is i want to do many things at the same time which i find it hard but still even after knowing it won't work i still do it, and also at time i became reluctant about what matter much to do and be doing other irrelevant things until when it's almost time then i get back to what matter.
I have to say my spending habits! I am trying to control it so I can save up to buy a new laptop and start my career as a free lancer
1 I am a bit reluctant and I like to put things behind me, which have also lead to being a bit forgetful.

2 Not caring so much to the point of being a bit vain. So I have being told. Some say is arrogance, some think I am a bit rude. Whatever.
Everyone has a bad habit and one has to know what is his or her bad habit and control it most times your bad habits maybe your week side when people are rude and others most time transfer aggression when they have mood swings.
Procrastination; more deadly than one can imagine. Its effects has killed more than we can count. If one can learn how do the right thing at the right without letting something else distract u then we will definitely have an edge over life and its uncertainties.
Procrastination is also the things that have affected me seriously but I'm trying to overcome it, it is so serious in my life that I have a lot of time but I do not have time to do anything, is deadly and can hinder ones progress.
My bad habits are procastination and spending excessively when am not supposed to. Am working really well on this two things, and they are reducing alot.
I have this bad habit of procrastinating. I always postpone what to do to some days other days. And at times, I do trust people too much even at my detriment.
Everyone has a bad habit and one has to know what is his or her bad habit and control it most times your bad habits maybe your week side when people are rude and others most time transfer aggression when they have mood swings.
But what is more important is to realise your bad habit. Most of the people don't even understand that their habit is really affecting their business. Understanding and rectifying the problem is the main solution.
The bad habit I have right now is procrastinating and postponing what I plan to do most especially in business. I have this trait in me and I'm planning to stop it once and for all
I have this bad habit of procrastinating. I always postpone what to do to some days other days. And at times, I do trust people too much even at my detriment.
Well , it is a disease that you need to work against less you will be forced to make mistakes that you will regret in the end . It might not be easy for you but you just ha e to do it.
If you make a habit of it -- even if it's healthy food -- you're likely to gain weight. That can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and it can raise your chances of certain kinds of cancer.
I have just contributed is very bad habit of always eating my food very late and this is having a bad health effect on my birthday but I am still struggling to stop it and I hope to stop it very soon.
This is a matter of personality and I know some people might be uncomfortable discussing they are bad habits, but I have this habit of not taking people serious
Habits are what define us. While some habits are common among individuals, some are not. I am a bad habit of keeping my nails long. I usually don't like using blades to cut them low. And in the end, I use my teeth to cut them. Silly me!
The bad habits that I have developed when it comes to business is the fact that I normally take a lot of time in order to settle for a particular thing and always want to try out everything first myriad myriad
Making your efficiency custom is a standard that encourages you to keep a pinnacle level of energy can get you the best out of your days.

Part of making your profitability routine includes eliminating exercises that channel you, and that incorporates your negative behavior patterns.

Like it or not, unfortunate propensities are awful for you intellectually, actually, genuinely and even socially sometimes. While some negative behavior patterns are more diligently to stop than others, it doesn't change the way that you need to dispose of them.

What are the bad habits you need to change soon?
My bad habit is impatient I just believe things should be done fast and also doing plenty things at the same time in the process of getting those things done and I don't get the right result I become sad
My topmost bad habits are procrastination, wanting to do many things at once and nail biting. I've learnt how to focus on one thing at a time but that aspect of nail biting and procrastination still prove difficult
My business bad habit is sleeping at work. Sometimes I sleep a lot when I am suppose to be working and it is as a result of my online in the night and it affects me during the day.
My bad habits and compassus the trust I give to people even when I feel that on a normal level they shouldn't even merit it.I am at fault because I trust people even more than they even trust themselves
Well, I also have it that's where bad I would not say completely bad but what is bad is bad and what is not good is not good I posted and habit of drugs stop that then I had an habit of smoking cigarettes I then stopped that inbetween I had a habit of binge drinking that was not good how was the big problem I do realise the drinking was not for me that was not really hard for me to stop I was not left with just one habit weed that was a very hard want to stop because its had its way of keeping me on the low play the saying goes experience is the best teacher another experience and I think after the experience I just stopped.
Bad habit is something that every human being has Got and it should be reduced to the minimum no matter how bad it is so that interaction will be good

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