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What are you doing today?

Today is about to be a quite interesting day, to be truly honest with you. First off, I will be attending my cousins wedding in a while and in the afternoon, I'll just be relaxing.
Working and then going to hang out with a friend who is moving to LA in a couple of days. After that, I'll go to the cinema with my partner probably.
Today, I've spent the day posting around forums, writing a guide for my staff team on a new project, and I had to go to the dentist. The dentist was a joke and I now have to remain in severe pain from nerve pain due to lack of funds and miscommunication. Tomorrow, I have no real plans.
Today I hung out at my boyfriend's house all day. We went swimming and we grilled and we watched fireworks then we shot our own. I had a really fun day. I'm glad I got to spend the whole day with him. I just feel bad because my dad was alone. :(
Not much, I've woke up not long ago and now I am posting posts on this website as usual, soon I will go to heat my food so I can eat it and enjoy, my father cooked many delicious things yesterday as of: mashed potatoes with onion, shnitsels (which is a fried chicken), meatballs, a soup with tasty balls so it will be tasty to eat them :).
I just have some assignments to finish off, and going to hang out with friends.
Not alot but I studied and got done with my homework and my projects and work. I got some icecream and ate some pizza. Otherwise my day has been amazing.

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