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What are the advantages and disadvantage of Co-Education in college?

I always believe that what so ever has an advantage most surely has the disadvantages which is associated with to me in this kind of education which is not much common in most part of the third world countries to be it will lack sense of competition among the gender groups of the students because a kind of personal feeling and attraction.
Co education is a better system of education already very much common in the western world but now it is being adopted by almost all countries of the world. This system has many pros and cons based on the way it is being adopted, implemented and utilized in the education institution like schools, college and universities.
When boys and girls are educated together, there is a stronger sense of competition. The boys often want to do better than the girls and the girls want to show the boys that they are equally as smart. The competition is usually friendly and gives students more motivation to work toward goals. When boys and girls are educated together, there is no need for two separate schools and the costs can be combined. Fewer teachers need to be paid to education children together.
As for the disadvantages, opposite sexes always have mutual attraction. The students are passing through a crucial period of their life. They are likely to be sexually attacted. It may affect their learning efforts. There may be one or two elements which would engage in eve teasing, and some acts of false bravado which they see in films. But anti-social and irresposible elements are present everywhere. Untoward incidents in co-educational institutions could be avoided with better administration.
But I still prefer this than each sex should be getting educative differently, because it may lead to many things that happen this days which most parent are not proud of.
Coeducation is good but the advantages there are very great especially for young boys and girls, they tend to perpetrate a lot of immoral acts and this might shatter the purpose for which such has been established. Coeducation is good only for mature boys and girls
Co education is a better system of education already very much common in the western world but now it is being adopted by almost all countries of the world. This system has many pros and cons based on the way it is being adopted, implemented and utilized in the education institution like schools, college and universities.
When boys and girls are educated together, there is a stronger sense of competition. The boys often want to do better than the girls and the girls want to show the boys that they are equally as smart. The competition is usually friendly and gives students more motivation to work toward goals. When boys and girls are educated together, there is no need for two separate schools and the costs can be combined. Fewer teachers need to be paid to education children together.
As for the disadvantages, opposite sexes always have mutual attraction. The students are passing through a crucial period of their life. They are likely to be sexually attacted. It may affect their learning efforts. There may be one or two elements which would engage in eve teasing, and some acts of false bravado which they see in films. But anti-social and irresposible elements are present everywhere. Untoward incidents in co-educational institutions could be avoided with better administration
Even without the opposite sex in school, they are still exposed in one way or the other to the opposite sex but the pressure is higher in school. The best is to be disciplined by the parents or guardians to ensure the students are mannered.
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Co-education comes with the advantages as well as disadvantages. Co-education enhances communication and emotional intelligence among students of the different genders and also serves as a means of competition and I mean healthy competition between both genders. It only becomes a disadvantage when a gender is given preferences over the other which will lead to the other gender feeling inferior and this can have a psychological effect.
The advantages of co-education is too numerous to count but I just know that it provides a level playing ground for both sexes to exhibit their capabilities
Inasmuch as there are advantages for every situation no matter how atomic, the disadvantage of co-education is lack of concentration when both gender gets attracted, they in turn lose temperament and momentum to their studies.
Co education has its merits and demerits which are important to point out when discussing it. With coeducation you can say there will be competition but you can also say there will be bullying. Your can say even with other forms of educational methods bullying will still exist for me I will say with this system. There will be increase ad those seen as been week will be preyed on by the perceived strong ones just to feel their ego massaged.
The benefits of co-education is more compare to the disadvantage,because it will encourage competition in a friendly manner among both gender,and it will make them to understand themselves as they interact together.
The pros of Coeducation is that preparation for the real world is made known to students, exposure to different view points and people and it teaches respect of the opposite gender.
The Cons;
Females study better in all female Classes.
Differences in male and female learning. Male and female interaction promotes distraction.
One of the avantages of co-education in education is that it makes the student to socialize with opposite sex.
A disadvantage of con education in education is that students of the opposite sex are usually attracted to each other.
The co education system has it's advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the advantages as mentioned by the poster is the coexistence between the opposite sex and development of social and moral values. One of the disadvantages is the risk and spread of gender list among the middle aged students.
I really do not understand what you mean by gender list, can you please explain better? Personally I see no much disadvantage in co education as it is the perfect way to promote equality and it is also a way to promote our fundamental human rights which includes free will and most importantly right to education, that your sex would not be a reason not to have education.
The reason why coeducation is important is that it awakens the spirit of equality and comradeship among all students without any discrimination.
It has a lot of advantages as the students will be more committed and it makes them competitive and so it makes learning easier but then it also has a disadvantage which is sexual tension but then the advantages outweighs the disadvantages
The co Education has its advantages and disadvantages but I prefer a co Education system to a mixer school system,in a couple Education system children stays together and this help them to manage situation of life because outside school there are make and female in the world
Co education is a better system of education already very much common in the western world but now it is being adopted by almost all countries of the world. This system has many pros and cons based on the way it is being adopted, implemented and utilized in the education institution like schools, college and universities.
When boys and girls are educated together, there is a stronger sense of competition. The boys often want to do better than the girls and the girls want to show the boys that they are equally as smart. The competition is usually friendly and gives students more motivation to work toward goals. When boys and girls are educated together, there is no need for two separate schools and the costs can be combined. Fewer teachers need to be paid to education children together.
As for the disadvantages, opposite sexes always have mutual attraction. The students are passing through a crucial period of their life. They are likely to be sexually attacted. It may affect their learning efforts. There may be one or two elements which would engage in eve teasing, and some acts of false bravado which they see in films. But anti-social and irresposible elements are present everywhere. Untoward incidents in co-educational institutions could be avoided with better administration.
I have never had to look at co educa
Co education is a better system of education already very much common in the western world but now it is being adopted by almost all countries of the world. This system has many pros and cons based on the way it is being adopted, implemented and utilized in the education institution like schools, college and universities.
When boys and girls are educated together, there is a stronger sense of competition. The boys often want to do better than the girls and the girls want to show the boys that they are equally as smart. The competition is usually friendly and gives students more motivation to work toward goals. When boys and girls are educated together, there is no need for two separate schools and the costs can be combined. Fewer teachers need to be paid to education children together.
As for the disadvantages, opposite sexes always have mutual attraction. The students are passing through a crucial period of their life. They are likely to be sexually attacted. It may affect their learning efforts. There may be one or two elements which would engage in eve teasing, and some acts of false bravado which they see in films. But anti-social and irresposible elements are present everywhere. Untoward incidents in co-educational institutions could be avoided with better administration.
I have never had to look at coeducation as something with advantages and disadvantages. It has always seemed like the standard to me. After all, in the reality of society, males and females cohabit. It is only natural for co-education to be the norm.

What I find different is separate schools for boys and girls. While it has its advantages, there are disadvantages as well. It can delay the student's adaptation to the real world when they are not exposed to the opposite gender often. That's one out of many.
One of the advantage is that we learn both from each other and gain knowledge while the disadvantage is distraction and lack of concentration if something comes in between the two opposite sex.
That's is a great explanation about the co education system. Most often everything that had an advantage, most also has a disadvantage of it. the benefit or advantage of co education, it enhances and promote academic competition among the gender student and a mutual form of relationships and interaction.
I grew up and studied under a co-educational system despite the existence of exclusive schools for boys or girls. The big advantage has been developing one's maturity early when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex. The work world is not exclusive to either gender and one must learn to co-exist in order to thrive in one's career.
One of the advntages the inclusion of co-education is that it will encourage healthy rivalry,and also the iteraction among the opposite sex would not be very strange to the student,as they will come to understan themself very well.
Based on what I observed, I think co-education is better for kids, rather than single-sex schools. For some parents, it may feel like it's good and secure to put kids in single-sex schools because they will be disciplined and their focus will be on studies.
But what one's hormone is beyond your control. kids studying in same-sex schools may be good in academics, but it doesn't mean that kids of same-sex schools are only good in their acedemics.
It also does have an effect on their confidence, they feel insecure while talking to the opposite sex as you cannot have same-sex around surroundings everywhere.

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