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What are some of the lessons one should learn at their early 20s?

There are a whole lot of lessons one should have learnt in their early 20's.its even advice able to be close to those who have experienced that stage to put you through
there are a lot of lessons to be learnt at ones early 20s, it is the stage where one starts taking responsibility for one's actions, it started at the age of 18,when one becomes a legal individual, but still people round will still treat you like a kid, but when one get to the age of 20 and above, you begin to have responsibilities, one needs to have a focus or would have already have one, it's either you choose to go to school and become succeawful or just be looking for other ways to make it in life.
One should learn at early 20s on how to manage a business and how to manage his or her life for it to bring out a success.
A very important thing that everybody in their early 20s should learn is that there is no residence time in business and as such they should take their business decisions one step at a time
Seriously increasing our investment should be the only option for now because of the devaluation of some economies of some country, you only need to identify the best investment that suit you and engage in to.

Seriously I've been able to learn a lot of how to deal with online scammers and how to easily identify how they operate because they have been able to do a lot of people as a result of lack of information and knowledge about how they operate.
I just wish I could turn back the hand of time. Exposing oneself at a young age has many benefits. Starting early in life will help one learn the ropes and get the required experience needed to survive in life.
Seriously I've been able to learn a lot of how to deal with online scammers and how to easily identify how they operate because they have been able to do a lot of people as a result of lack of information and knowledge about how they operate.
Is good at least knowing how they are operating will help you to identify them, that is how I am also doing, I also know how they operate that is why I have not been able to fail a victim.
I just wish I could turn back the hand of time. Exposing oneself at a young age has many benefits. Starting early in life will help one learn the ropes and get the required experience needed to survive in life.
I totally agree with you on this but then we can change the hand of the clock , we will just have to put our children in the right direction .
At the early stage of live is the best time to plan for the future, in your 20s, you should take time management seriously, always involves in activities that are profitable to you and above all learn to save, it will definitely help in the future.
Even though at this particular age is where distraction comes into post heavily but discipline and consistency will make one stand out.
During our early age, especially at teen age we are always influenced by youthful lifestyle. We can only think positively to create something magnificent when we are walking with those who are experts in their respective field of life.
You should acknowledge the value of money early on. Understanding the value of money means you stop spending money and focus on saving money. When you start saving early on, in your adult hood you can use that money to create your own business
Tommorow is important but today is more important, so do your best today and stop worrying about the morrow. I also learnt a lot more.
At the age of 20 , one should take lot of risks may it be in online business or anything they prefer , higher risks cannot guarantee high rewards , but this age of 20 is the best time to risk more and try to get higher rewards. This cannot be easy when you are living married life with your family.
This is a good piece of information from you here. Another one is setting a target to know what to meet, have mentors that will guide ones activities while growing up in order not to make mistake
there are a lot of lessons to be learnt at ones early 20s, it is the stage where one starts taking responsibility for one's actions, it started at the age of 18,when one becomes a legal individual, but still people round will still treat you like a kid, but when one get to the age of 20 and above, you begin to have responsibilities, one needs to have a focus or would have already have one, it's either you choose to go to school and become succeawful or just be looking for other ways to make it in life.
What are the lesson that one should learn at is 20 is to know how to manage his or her resources and also know how to start up a business of his of own.
Here are my tips...
  1. Get up ahead of schedule. Complete your stuffs early, settle more diligently undertakings first at that point proceed onward to the hard ones. With extra special care. 20 minutes for every undertaking followed by 5 minutes of break. Rehash till you're accomplished for the afternoon. In the event that you have achieved your errands, reward yourself with a XL cup of hot cocoa.
  2. Have a reason/objective/interest you are clutching. Try not to carry on with a day to day existence like a tree rind without having no enthusiasm or life objectives. It very well may be anything straightforward like weaving to turning into a mogul. Clutch your motivation. You are attached to it.
  3. Get a guide and request that they mentor you. Ideally guide in the field that you need to seek after or that you are attempting to consummate yourself at. Paid coaches are superior to free adjusted ones. Reason? They will invest more exertion to mentor you for good since it is anything but a free assistance. Also individuals with heaps of involvement with a specific field ought to consider bringing up mentee and passing down their insight to them. Ability unused and held is ability squandered.
  4. Figure out how to groom yourself. Change your hairdo, dress as per your age, trim your nails, deal with your skin and treat your skin break out scar. Locate the reasonable style you rock, ideal mix of make ups and skin purifying system. Also, don't attempt to look drop dead perfect however look adequate.
  5. Life goes on. With or without somebody. Regardless of whether you have nobody close by. Get settled with your own isolation. Figured out how to endure alone with no one close by. Life just goes on and you need to begin proceeding onward and do what should be done to proceed onward.
  6. Dump the Cynics and Naysayers. Could be your manipulative companions. Or then again douche family members. Any individual who drains the energy out of you and makes you crazy should be removed your life. They are harmful. They are crappy. You DON'T require them. Discard and run.
  7. Construct Networks. Make new companions, go to forum like this great forum , volunteer at your nearby network, converse with outsiders, go to workshop and meetings. That way, you will get the opportunity to communicate with various individuals and trade perspectives. You will be amazed of the amount you could gain from others.
I like your last advice of joining forums. That is also why I like Bizdustry a paid to post site because you can hear of there members opinion regarding a certain topic. Your mind and thinking grows.
The lessons one should learn in his twenties is to know what he want on time and ho for it. If you wish to learn a skill, learn it on time. If it is education do it when you still have enough time and energy to read and assimilate.
Financial freedom is the true freedom in today's society. So it is very important to have multiple streams of income you know that you have financial freedoms. Work more on earning passive income.
What are the lesson to learn at early twenty ,well there are many lessons to learn at twenty ,first of all you need to know that you are no longer a teenager anymore ,andif know at your teen age you are not that kind of person you wanted to be ,you need to take off all south of bad attitude and know that you are adult, because if you find it possible to pas your teen age with out any misfutune I believe you are a very brave individual , the teen age is The very dangerous age that can destroy your destiny and future ,so plan your life as an adult ,and I believe your life will be a turnaround, also there is a saying that says if you faild to plan you planned to fail ,so plan your life and mould it in the right and appropriate way you want it to be.
Thank you
Such a large list of important info worthy of note, I have learnt to be more quiet and face my own business, I have learnt to concentrate in making more cash too.
When you are in your early twenties it is very advisable that you should learn a skill apart from the original one that you have so that you can be able to diversify your income.

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