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What are some of the lessons one should learn at their early 20s?

Your early age someone need to plan he/ her life very in order to make a good future, it very important to plan ahead before time, in early age someone need to start planning having skills for he/ her for better future.
Early 20's is very important in ones live, and in addition to the tips above: learn to manage your time well, do away with thongs and people who are not adding values to your life, understand that that stage of life determines ones future and what one wilk be , so use it well and adequately.
One of the most important I'd say is to lay a good foundation. This time of life is to prepare for a long future ahead. If you get it completely wrong at this, it'll take a lot of time and stress to get back on track. Another thing is to be a subject that acts and not an object that's acted upon. You have to know what you want and makes you happy, and follow your passion and not what your dad or mom wants, neither doing what you friends are doing. Ensure to use this time to also correct your wrongs and align your ways.
The thread is really supportive and touching as well. Things we do in our early twenties always have much impact on our lives and are very important. One lesson l have learned in my early twenties is that when one is growing especially in the early twenties, responsibilities keep increasing and when one doesn't develop much strategies to fulfilled them, he might face serious problems with life.
  • You don't have everything figured out. I want to remind you of this again.You don't have as many friends as before. .It's hard to settle down (even if you want to) .Life doesn't get easier. It's really hard to save money. Debt is your worst enemy. You change jobs, a lot. You might move back in with your parents
Wonderful tips, I would also like to add that some of these to it.
Have a clear vision of what you plan to achieve in Life

This is very crucial for a youngster at age 20 to have plans and visions of what you want to achieve in your adult life, living shouldn't be by chance at all.

Have a Business, no matter how small it is
This is highy necessary for a young adult at 20, all adult should atleast have a business at such an age, even though the business fails but atleast they should make an effort to start a business.
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It is very necessary that you have a vision in your early 20's. You need to have a dream of what you want to be in life. But ambitiousness can only get you so far. Hard work and diligence is important if you want to achieve your dreams.
Good thingy to opening up on life at that very young level and most especially the early 20s. I can remember at some point there was no senses of direction but now i know better and wish i knew this esrlier.
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Good thingy to opening up on life at that very young level and most especially the early 20s. I can remember at some point there was no senses of direction but now i know better and wish i knew this esrlier.
One important lesson I wish everyone can learn is how not to depend on a certificate for your source of income.

I learnt later in my 20's how having a skill that is independent of what you studied in school is.
Early 20s is a stage were one need to build his or her feature, is a stage were no one should Joke with, although preparing for an adult start from 18, but in some cases some person still be in high school then, so early 20s is a stage to get yourself ready for the feature, either you go to the university or get an handwork that will help you.
@WhiteHouse well detailed writeup. At the age of 20 is when one start having responsibilities which calls for immediate attention. The pressure that comes with the age of 20 is so much that some individuals lifestyle get affected in a negative way especially in developing countries.
In my early secondary days, my dad is works outside station where we resides. The fatherly figure affected me to an extent that I could not express my mind boldly in any situation. When people offended me, I only process it in my mind but don't say out. Self esteem is really sometime that we parents needs to work on.
Be open to change in any part of the life, and do not worry, just follow your passion and your dreams no matter what others say, it is your story, your life, enjoy it.

I don't feel comfortable with following my passion when the passion is not bringing a lot of returns to me. Finding out what works and doing everything within my power to excel on it is what I am always looking at doing. That doesn't mean that I don't care about my passion.
At your early twenties you must a skill, it is very important to look learn a skill at your early age. Most people learn a skill before going for higher institution, it is very important because the students use that skill to assist themselves financially when they are in their higher institutional studies.
Number one lesson one should learn in their early twenties is not to be dependent on others mostly being dependent on his or her parents, not keeping too much friends, learning a good skill, be determined and focused, never to give up on one dreams, the list is just endless.
My best early life lessons was never to depend on anyone for anything for too long. Read that twice. You will definitely need to depend on someone for something at one point in time but you have to know when to work hard and stand on your own to avoid unnecessary insults.
Important of school life balance and gender base grow which comes up when a child is coming up with issues of mismanaged of resources
  • Marry your ideas with execution.
  • Being able to focus is a skill.
  • Perseverance is the most important skill you can learn.
  • Working hard doesn't guarantee success, but it makes it more likely.
  • Work is very personal.
  • You don't know everything; learn from others.
  • An important part of business is setting proper expectations
Being able to focus is a skill. When I was in my 20s, I wanted to be a writer, a producer, an actor, a financial analyst, a salesperson, and an entrepreneur. And that was just in the category of careers. Imagine what that list looked like for multitasking my daily activities. As I got older, I realized that our time and energy is incredibly limited each day.
There are numerous lessons to learn in the course of attaining 20 years of age. One of them that is important and underrated is getting a mentor. Mentor have the ability to shape ones life positively and this can make a good shape in ones life if one fine a good mentor at the early stages of his or her life.

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