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What are some of the lessons one should learn at their early 20s?

Probably, I have found out that I have been dealing with manipulative people for a long time now and I think it is high time I got rid of such people in my life. Anyone that drains your energy should not even come close to you because they have actually nothing to offer.

I have been cheated by many people in my life. One of my uncles taught me that I should never trust people easily. Unfortunately, I never paid heed to his advice.
The most important thing to do when you're younger is to socialize, that way you'll get to have a wider network of friends that will go with you on life's journey and trust me, you'll learn a lot from them thereby improving your sense of living
At 20 years old, one should have a skill that can be monetized. A person of this age should have one particular thing he or she can do that someone would pay him or her for. A 20 year old should have schooled himself on financial intelligence.
Your 20s is like a decision stage, and every decision would play a big role in what you would become later. In your 20s you would learn and unlearn a lot of things. You need to understand the importance of Networking and why it would be important to you.
I have been cheated by many people in my life. One of my uncles taught me that I should never trust people easily. Unfortunately, I never paid heed to his advice.
Well, it is also important and necessary that you are not so nice to a lot of people. Whenever you are so nice people will take advantage of that to betray and manipulate you.
The first thing I learn whenni was little is the act of putting one plus you to make two and that's the act of savings , and that's what you need when you have your own business when growing up ,

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