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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
No it isn't, I most cases you can compare a man to a woman both they are both different with unique abilities. If not why don't you see female commentators in football.
Gender does not really matter when it comes to running a business successfully. All it takes is having the right knowledge and understanding.
That's an assertion that's is not yet proven over the years. God is so great, he made a woman a weaker vessel. Only feminine tries to equate themselves with their muscular counterparts but when it comes to rendering some certain responsibility, the male parts are definitely needed. Each gender has its own part to play.
What a man can do, a woman can do better depends on the types of jobs that is involve. There are businesses that are gender selective that a woman can never perform better than a man, which also apply for a woman.
The comment or statement can be true in terms of business because what matters is the knowledge and understanding of how business works.
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Sometimes gender is not necessary to succeed, because there have been a lot of women both past and present that are billionaires.
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I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Just recently in the Tokyo Olympics, after ninety seven years of chasing for a gold medal in our country, it was clinched by a lady weightlifter. That means to say that weightlifting can be an avenue that women can be winning against all men sports in our country.
I can say it categorically without mincing words, there are lots of things man can do that woman can't. Let's not deceive ourselves and be Frank for once. Women know this too because the biological nature of woman limits them to do certain things except for the exceptional ones.
I don't know the mentality of people that always predict such interrogations, it can be true there are many things women cannot penetrate including business and every other things which man can do a woman cannot do, so the statement is very wrong.
Not everything a man can do a woman can do better they only see this world to motivate women so that women can not feel inferior.
What a man can do, a woman can do better depends on the types of jobs that is involve. There are businesses that are gender selective that a woman can never perform better than a man, which also apply for a woman.
This should not be put into consideration and heavy jobs are allowed for women to do because it is almost impossible for them to be able to achieve the best results with such, the saying is just a way to promote the women.
That saying is not meant to be interpreted literally,but it is meant to inspire women to aspire as men do so as to make them to reach their full potential.
I don't subscribe to this school of thought at all, there are some things a man can naturally do well that a woman can not do and also there are some things a woman can naturally do perfectly that a man can't do. The both should play a complementary role instead of competitive.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I don't know about the do it better part but I do know what men does there are women who can do it, I have a woman in my church who does brick laying for a living and I know there are women who can do carpentry works what we should say is they are not common not impossible.
I believe this is just a metaphor to say that women are not weak that also work hard as well and they can do some of the things men do. I have also seen women doing bricklaying jobs though.
You are right. Some jobs that require so much strength can't be done by women. That is because most of us don't have strong muscles physically like most men have. I think this phrase was started mostly for the purpose of empowering women that they can do anything that they wish to do and that a chauvinistic society should not prevent us from doing jobs that were termed as belonging to men alone.
I guess it was just a way of encouraging women to be determined in whatever they do, definitely the assertion is not true. Women have a place in the society just as men have too.
well, I won't agree totally with this statement because it is not true in all cases. A woman can not handle some critical situations because of their weak emotions. They break Down easily and they can't handle what a man can
It is not the gender that makes a man or a woman efficient and skillful, it is their education, level of intelligence and training they have undergone will make them better in work
It is true that what a man can do a woman can do better but not in all cases and fuse versa. There are some jobs that are gender selective due to the nature of the job and it requirements.
This assertion is not always true which says what a man can do a woman can do better there's some kind of business that a woman can never venture into and there's some kind of work that a woman can not to do.
Of course a woman can birth to a baby. I believe that is the biggest advantage of a woman and that's to be able to bear a baby for nine months inside her womb.
It's kind of a saying that says that women are found in almost all parastatals that you can find men. Politics, education, sports, entertainment, and many other. When it comes to individual work, they have different roles to play. Some are God-given which make them different

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