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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

The saying is not always true,what a man can do a woman can do it better is just something that people in the society have been saying to help and to encourage the women to work hard, but in reality this is not the actual fact.
Times have changed and people are evolving as well, what a man can do, a woman can do it better. The saying doesn't refer to only physical prowess or ability, it was actually used to emphasize the importance of woman.
I agree with you, it also cuts across the jobs that are tagged for a particular "gender". Some jobs that you will except a man to do a woman may do it better, also a job you will expect a woman to do, a man may do it better.
I agree with you, it also cuts across the jobs that are tagged for a particular "gender". Some jobs that you will except a man to do a woman may do it better, also a job you will expect a woman to do, a man may do it better.
Some jobs require physical ability which only man can do. That is why labour sector is mostly dominated by man. Gender does not really discriminate anyone is in any business.
Yes both can do same work but there will surely be a great difference because man effort is stronger than woman effort. In the country where I came from unisex do almost the same job on a daily basis, so I accept the adage of what man can do woman can also do it.
Some jobs require physical ability which only man can do. That is why labour sector is mostly dominated by man. Gender does not really discriminate anyone is in any business.
I do not dispute that, however, there are some jobs that either of them will perform better irrespective of the sex. For example in the baking industry that you will think is for the woman, we have men that are award winning bakers, same with mechanics, we have women that are doing a great job in that area.
I'd agree with that anyway. Women need to start believing more in themselves instead of looking for sympathy. A woman can achieve anything.
Its not true in all cases,but if given d opportunity,a woman might try her best to achieve part of d task that a man can do completely..Being a man is a whole lot of job..I can say it's not easy to be a man..A man works to pay the bills,works to pay the rent,works to pay fees,works to feed
I don't think when it comes to competence and performance there is any difference between what a man can do that a woman cannot do.Most of all these things we see,is just a stereotype that has existed over a period,which people then give credience to be a fact.
I do not dispute that, however, there are some jobs that either of them will perform better irrespective of the sex. For example in the baking industry that you will think is for the woman, we have men that are award winning bakers, same with mechanics, we have women that are doing a great job in that area.
In business only those who Excel who has potential. It has nothing to do with gender. Though I agree that gender discrimination is there in some part of the business, but all in all most of the businesses only focus on ability.
I see a lot of people saying this untrue, but in actuality it is, I just think that the levels that men perform at is very different, and women might not be able to match up.
I think is true women are trying this days engaging their self in so many activities, so I believe what a man can do a woman can do better
I don't know the mentality of people that always predict such interrogations, it can be true there are many things women cannot penetrate including business and every other things which man can do a woman cannot do, so the statement is very wrong.
What a man can do a woman can partially do little that is true but they say that what a man can do a woman can do better does not working all ramification of life because there are some kind of things that men can do and women can never try.
There are a lot of work out there that female are not supposed to do biological because of the stress, I don't think the statement that" what a man can do a woman can do it better "is actually the truth, most work out there men are always doing it better.
The saying is not always true,what a man can do a woman can do it better is just something that people in the society have been saying to help and to encourage the women to work hard, but in reality this is not the actual fact.
That statement is only made by women for their own good. Think that they wanted equality that they can do the job of the men. But in reality they complain when men would not help them because women belongs to the weaker sex not only physical but also in mental.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I think you’re right. 💯
And even if every woman on here gets mad at me for saying this, my Grandma and I secretly never trusted
Women doctors
Women lawyers
Women dentists
I’m sorry it just seems like they don’t know what they’re doing
Yeah they are definitely lots of saying this days that when you start the argument you get to be label as a feminist actually it ok to say so.Women are actually proving they can do what a man can do .
That statement is only made by women for their own good. Think that they wanted equality that they can do the job of the men. But in reality they complain when men would not help them because women belongs to the weaker sex not only physical but also in mental.
I thought this is only an African adage, I didn't know it is also popular in your own location, yes they said it because they just want to promote their cell and boost their ego, because that is not true, I didn't know the saying is also popular in your culture
Do not be confused about gender roles in work. Unless the work requires physical power, everything a man can to a woman can also do. However, just because you are a certain gender does not mean you cna do better
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I think that any gender can do whatever they put their mind to and the skill or quality of their work is dependent on the person and has nothing to do with man or woman.
Actually, some jobs are gender selective due to the nature of the jobs. Energy demanding jobs are always reserved for men due to their ability to endure more strenuous activities than women.
Man, woman in the end we're all spirit beings who would return to dust which is why I don't give much cognizant to sex or gender in my dealings.

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