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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

I don't think this statement really means what we think, I don't think so. A woman can't it. But it depends on what's involve. But I will tell you that a woman can't do everything a man does. No matter how a man is , he is always a man
This is an interesting question good for discussion because alot of women have been so mental about this assertion but I don't believe in it in most cases the some minor things which women can do better than men such as house management but not in a serious situation that needs action.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
We are no longer living in the dark ages where sex is used to make men look superior to the women. Women can be as successful as men or even more than them.
This is not actually what will happen in reality because as we all know it is not every duty or job that a man is doing that a woman can do hundred percent times better,I have an understanding of some work a woman may not be able to do but a man can do it better and as a result of this I said this statement is always wrong.
My wife is a working class lady and I am very excited and very proud of her in so many ways because she's proven that a woman can be capable of doing something great.
No absolutely no.Everyone has his abilities no matter if this person is a man or woman.There are a lot examples on men being better at something and the opposite.
As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing anyone could do as a man, which a woman cannot do because every one just needs to be skilful in what he or she needs to do.
This is definitely not true and it can not be true to say it at all. there are alot of things which a man can do perfectly in which a woman can not do even if they can, only few can endure to make that sacrifice for the benefit of others.
Have you ever seen women who are into the military ⚔? It used to be seen that military ⚔ was a profession for men but over the years now, it's been taken by the horn by ladies.
That statement does not mean what it depicts literally. I believe is more of a motivational quote that is meant to inspire the ladies to greatness. The connotative meaning is that a woman can strive hard to do every type of business and be succeed in it. It doesn't mean a woman can no jobs better than a man.
Thank you for the clarification. I also do not seem to understand why people just take a look at the literal meaning of the quote and want to apply it to all life situation.
This is not true , it is just an irony and a way of promoting the women in the society to be hardworking but in reality it may not actually be what they are saying,there's some work I know that men can do that women may not have the physical capability to.
In what world does that even make sense to say what a man can do a woman can do even better? As human beings, how would anybody come to a conclusion that one sex can do better than the other sex?
The word what a man can do a woman can do better is just a word to encourage the women in general. It is very possible for women to out perform men in some certain task but that does not suggest that women can always do better than men in all areas.
Perhaps a woman could do better those tasks that a man generally does not do. But I don't think it is possible for any woman to perform heavy jobs such as, for example, truck driver or bricklayer, etc.
The saying is actually form motivational purposes to know tht women have power and not to be subjected to kitchen duties alone. It first started with what a man can do, a woman can try.
As far as I'm concerned gender doesn't have anything to do with how successful one would be in life but what matters is have determined and hard-working you are in your life
Times have changed and people are evolving as well, what a man can do, a woman can do it better. The saying doesn't refer to only physical prowess or ability, it was actually used to emphasize the importance of woman.
In some aspects this statement might be through but can't work in some other aspects. If we say that a woman can do almost everything that a man can do, but what about a woman impregnating herself or another woman?
This is definitely not true and it can not be true to say it at all. there are alot of things which a man can do perfectly in which a woman can not do even if they can, only few can endure to make that sacrifice for the benefit of others.
This topic is the favorite of women that you can see the gender discrimination they are doing. It is always the women's rights, the children's rights, and but never mentioned was the rights of the men. Anyway, with the job I find it not really unisex. There are jobs that are fit for women and there are jobs basically for men.
It's an old saying and I don't know the rationale behind it though but I know for sure that in a man's world women do better and also in a woman's world, the men perform better.
What a man can do, a woman can do better depends on the type of jobs in question as some job roles are gender selective. Most energy demanding are always difficult for women to dominate in it and vise versa.

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