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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

The person who made that quote was sleeping deeply and immediately a woman woke him up from his deep sleep, he has no option than to crown them with such word. Women are virtuous and hard working too, but men are superior to them.
A man can do everything in the world but a woman can also betrerr
but not compare to each other in
today world man and woman work
togather at every place.but some field in which both men and woman cannot cross the limit
People keep saying what a man can do, a woman can also do better, underline the word better, they are saying women can even do far more better than a man, if a woman becomes a president in my country , I bet it she will be impeach within 3month or rather resign.
Yes it is, in the olden days women are been regarded to as weaker vessel because of our genetic factor and how we were told that we should be under the men. But nowadays the notion has been change, practically everything today that men do over the world women can do it as well from sport, business, entertainment etc even in some countries women can now compete for the post of presidency.
There is no doubt about that, unless it is a kind of Job that involves strength and energy. Because we all know men are naturally stronger than women. Many women are excelling than men in many career.
So i agree with the quote.
Yes and no. There will always be men and women who have skills one another does not have. We're human after all, and it takes time to learn a skill and master it. There's no proof on whether a man or woman would do better in this industry. It depends on who you are as a person, what you're capable of, what what you know.
I disagree with this notion. Not every work a man can do can be done by a woman. Works like require physical strength and stamina are better done by men not by women because men have testesterome which gives them a biological advantage over women.
Times have changed, that's the excuse most people use to emphasize the importance of woman. Men will continue to so things a woman will find extremely hard to do because the anatomy of men was built different.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
This is nothing but a blatant lie, the saying has been put in place just to make women feel important, nothing more
I agree with what you've said, everything simple depends on personality and is not in anyway gender related, the saying is just an outdated cliche
To me, this is a wrong statement. I wouldn't deny the fact that, what a man can do, a woman can also do but saying a woman can do it better is her wrong3
This statement could be clarified easily and is true upto some extent but not in all the manners. Man is always given a great tribute to do any work. I will say it in direction to opposite than this statement.
My opinion, in this present era there is nothing like tedious that a woman can't do, have you been to construction sites and see women working like men. I believe what men can do women can also do.
It's far too generalised to say that as there are some things a man can do better mainly because he is physically stronger. I can multitask far better than my partner, he really can't concentrate on more than one thing at a time but if I am lifting furniture I need him to help me because he is much stronger than I am. We are both quite good at English and like to discuss literature but he knows more than I do but he could never write on a forum, it just isn't his thing. We are all good at different things regardless of our gender and that's just the way it should be.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Absolutely what a man can do a woman can even do more better than it in some cases,for example me as a case study. I really don't know how to drive a car as a man and most lady out there drive a car more than I do. So thats why I said a woman can do better in most cases.
The world has changed and many roles that were reserves for one gender is now accessible to the both. I think it is wrong to continue using that saying because really the both genders are different no matter how much you try to amplify it so it may not always be the same scenario all the time.
Yes it is true what a man can do a woman can do better, but not all women are ready to go into every job involving some prefer that some job are meant for men alone
It is the environment that you live that doesn't allow you to see things that happens around the world. I have seen women doing tedious works that people taught only men can do it and be successful. Women does carpentry work, bricklaying, welding and the likes.
Concerning if it is true that what a man can do, a woman can do it better. Well, I feel it is like a motivation speech for woman to also believe in themsleves and not look down on themselves. Obviously, there are some jobs that are not meant for women at all, only a man can do it because it requires a lot of energy and strength.
Concerning your question which says that is it true that what a man can do, a woman can do better? I am of the personal opinion that this quote is just meant to be a drive for women to do better and it isn't meant to be taken in it's literall meaning
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