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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

It is a popular saying but I wanna disagree with it. It is not everything à woman can literary do. Because it goes a long way way. Man ability to handle heavy thimgs can not be quantify with that of woman. Man need to put things into perspective. Woman rarely do the same. Woman can't drive truck. It is against their ability. So I disagree.
It is quite needless to write on this matter.
Women have proved to be the best thinkers these days. It seems they could do anything but this is not absolutely true.
There are roles that women will never play better than men .
Every gender should focus on their calling.
I may not really know what you're talking about but what I know is that a woman is not a weak person therefore I think they should be treated the same as men
I do not see any reason a man could be given higher task mcompare to a woman when they eating the same salary
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
In many areas of life woman do best then a man like while during growth period of child a woman is only the person who can gave them a right direction in all life situations . but a man in other areas like working hard for their child n family do more than a female . a woman is a house queen and man is king so both of them can collectively make the world better.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I think now days women do equal work as men do and women play an important role in our society and it is very important to work and women are very intelligent to do work and help people and their family very much.
They are just using that statement to motivate our women. since I was born till now that am getting old, I have never seen a female Carpenter. Not to talk of doing carpentry work better than man.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I think depends on the situation, i see now women working in construction site.
It is anything but a mystery that people are totally different creatures. We think in an unexpected way, look in an unexpected way, act distinctively and get treated in an unexpected way. For reasons unknown, each sex consistently thinks the grass is greener on the opposite side – ladies think men have it simpler and men accept ladies to have it simpler.
I disagree with what a man can do, a woman can do it better
Although currently the equal rights of women and men are almost the same, there are some areas that are not good for women, for example football, boxing, in work, in general, men will complete their work faster than women, although women are more careful than men, in the digital and IT fields men are superior to women.
This narrative is not always true because we are not exactly same. While we are all humans, Males and females were created to be different and that difference has to be accepted. We can't do every single thing a woman can do neither can a woman do every single thing a man can do. That's how we are there's no point pushing a narrative about women doing double.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Well not everytime! there are some woman who do things like men and some men do things like woman! So its the personality not gender prowess that determine the effectiveness but individualism .....
This statement is true to some extent but may I tell you that there are some decision that a man will made but if a woman makes it she will regret it. In addition, a woman cannot impregnate herself she will actually need a man to do that
The appropriate response is that the inquiry is unimportant. The best lady actually beats 99.999998% of men on the planet. Also, a gifted lady quite often beats an untalented man. Until we have a particular situation to discuss it doesn't make any difference. The solitary thing that causing such a correlation does is let you to feel a little better about your clan. So quit stressing over which gathering of individuals is "better" than another gathering.
I don't know where is believed that saying that what a man can do a woman can do it better because there are some things that a woman can not do,is always a saying to promote the female ego and to add value to the women in the society that is all.
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I don't know where is believed that saying that what a man can do a woman can do it better because there are some things that a woman can not do,is always a saying to promote the female ego and to add value to the women in the society that is all.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
The saying what a man can do a woman can do better isn't true. To some extent what a man can do a woman can do but there are many things a man can do but a woman can't do not to talk of doing better. The saying was made popular to encourage woman to always take up challenges that seem insurmountable.
I don't know the mentality of people that always predict such a things I know their ae some thing man can do that woman cannot do but nowadays many women's are now workaholic they can do more and more than some men out over there.
No profession is specifically for the men. Women can therefore, always do almost all tasks done by men. In some cases, they can even do better than there men counterpart.
It is true that women are less stronger compared to men and cannot do as well as men when it comes to doing manual labor. However, for the rest of the jobs where physical strength does not come to play, men and women are equal. There is nothing like women can do some jobs better and men are better than women. Work efficacy and efficiency are not related to gender.
What is it a man can do that a woman can do better?
During war times, it is the men that makes up at least 95% of the soldiers why aint there more women if truely they can do it better?

in building and constructions, 99% of the work force are males and you say a woman can do better what a man can do? no i dont beleive you
Even in the economy, men make greater impact than women .
I'm not a chauvinist oh but untill you prove to me that the saying is true, i think it should be "what 10 men can do, only 2 women can do it and just 1 can do it better.
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What is it a man can do that a woman can do better?
During war times, it is the men that makes up at least 95% of the soldiers why aint there more women if truely they can do it better?

in building and constructions, 99% of the work force are males and you say a woman can do better what a man can do? no i dont beleive you
Even in the economy, men make greater impact than women .
I'm not a chauvinist oh but untill you prove to me that the saying is true, i think it should be "what 10 men can do, only 2 women can do it and just 1 can do it better.
The narrative of having this competition is to me undermining the value of both gender to mere competitive relevance. Have we thought more to embrace our uniqueness and use the capabilities attached to them to better our lives and societies at large. As a man in a home you could be an innovator but then the woman is a multiplier and when i say this I do so from the point of knowledge. So, let us stop all these comparisons and move into our God given place and influence.

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