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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

Yes ooo, that's the truth, what ever a man can do a woman can do it double, some men are saying it is not true, but I have been thinking of any particular thing a man has done and a woman has not done it, nothing at all.
You are absolutely right. It's not always true nor in all cases but I believe that assertion was formed because in most cases when a woman wants to achieve a thing, she go all the way out for that thing. There's another saying that reads "No limitations for a Woman " and I got to understand that a woman doesn't settle for less.
This assertion is totally wrong there are some jobs a man can do that a woman can't do. Most menial jobs are done by men, the IT industry and other industry are being dominated by men with the exception of few women.
As for me I will say yes it's true and it's not true because there some things and works that men can do that women can't do, for example have you ever seen a lady been a conductor or have you ever seen a lady into truck business, but in some business that men can do I can bet it with you that women can do better
Both genders can perform different duties and deliver good results. The world at large are both involving women in so many affairs. There are men who have held high positions,and there are women who have done same. We should avoid such comparisons as to who does better.
Not that am a gender (male) bigot or dogmatic fellow rather am I not a anti-feminist but I think these particular expression is wrong to some extent although I have seen some females do male jobs even better than their male counterparts. Buy I still think that some jobs which require alot of physical labour should best be left to the males to do.
its not true in all kinds of works. there are some kinds of works thats men can do better than women. and in some others women can perform even better than men. so it depends on the nature of work.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Literally a woman can do everything a also does but that statement that what a man can do a woman can do better does not apply to everything. Talking about intelligence, no one can say categorically that a man betters a woman but in terms of some physical activities, a man may be better than a woman.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
That statement is very true to some extent,you can see alot of female in most professional fields that are mostly done by male.
A lot of female are taking the bull by the horn, doing tedious and stressful jobs like engineering,drivers and many more.
With the saying that what a man can do a woman can do it better does not apply to everything that is done by a man. Men used to be the only gender who repairs cars, now women also do it too. A woman can't be given the position of a chief engineer in a company no matter how good she is. A woman will always go back home to take care of her family while a man can stay away from home for weeks.
The cliche which says "what a man can do a woman can do better" it is not always true. There are a couple of things a man can do that no women can ever to do. A man at the helm of affairs of a company can control his emotion, woman cannot. This can be seen when you put a man at the managerial position, she will be reacting to every slight thing that happens in abnormal way. I have never seen a woman going dredging under the oil rigs.
It's complicated, its not really based on gender but it depends on the person, for example, there are a few female soldiers but at thesame time there are men who are not capable of being a soldier, there are women who know how to fight very well due to training and they can beat up a man.

So really, it all depends on the person because there are lots of things that some women can do better than men, and there are also alot of things that men can do better than alot of women.

My ponint is, there are alot of things that some women can do better than alot of men
This narrative is not always true. Its just a way of bringing the conciousness that whether you are a man or woman, we all can achieve whatever we put our heart to without having a sense of inferiority complex.
Of course I'll agree that what a man can do a woman can do better because of you look at it these days d woman folks are at the realms of affairs. Even at home you realise that the woman now goes out to hustle for the family. They pay the bills for the chikdren and even the man at times. They are now doing does jobs that are believe to be for the man folks
Those are just mere claims from some of those women that are tired of life I tell you. For me I don't believe in such claims the scripture says that women are weker vessel meaning that they don't have the same strength with men, I think whoever promotes such claims don't read the scripture.
Well, in most cases the statement is true although, but l can not say it's not very true. There are still work men do that women will never do even though they can do. Since I grew up until now l have never seen a woman going to mortar work, but this is also a job that almost every hustling man do perform but yet women don't do it even though some can do it.
I don't believe in weather there are masculine or feminine businesses,irrespective of the sex once one is determined,one can reach any heights in any businesses. I have seen strong women whose strengths are more than some men own,i don't like to hear the saying "what a man can do,a woman can do better",thats trash to me.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I don't agree with any statement that compares the workings or the abilities of a man and woman in my opinion. I think that any gender can do the same work and achieve the same level of success. It is all dependent on the amount of hard work and dedication that they put into it and that is what is going to make all the difference in the world. Gender plays no part in that in my opinion.
This argument is very unnecessary. A man works within his own capacity and a woman works within her own capacity. There are some things a man can do that a woman can do better based the nature of both genders. The differences in the nature of these genders should be understood instead of this argument.
There are some certain things a woman can not do. but i have actually not see the single thing a woman can do that a man cannot do. Those who set the word actually be motivating women to do better in some areas of life like businesse, finance and other things. I actually don't take it too serious.

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