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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

Well most of the time it is true because women have more determination and they are focused unlike the men that get distracted with so many things like responsibilities,saving of money, marriage etc
Well, the sole reason for saying that is to let men know that women are also productive because I believe there was a time when women aren't recognized in the society and their rights all ended in the kitchen and finally be someone's house wife.
That assertion is not really correct. There are some careers and fields that both genders are doing exceptionally well such as business, medicine, sciences, entertainment etc. However, there are some jobs/tasks that well suited to men such as construction, carpentry, engineering etc and the ratio of men to women in these sectors is very high.
This has going around for so long but I do not believe in anything like this. There are some jobs that men are going to excel better and some women are going to so it is not even equating.
Am i supposed to say it is untrue?
I believe the maxim alright, but it does not apply to all cases.
there are certain jobs which women can never do.
This maxim doesn't hold true in all cases. There are things men can do which women can never attempt and vice versa. The maxim only holds true to cases which creates its possibility.
That statement does not mean what it depicts literally. I believe is more of a motivational quote that is meant to inspire the ladies to greatness. The connotative meaning is that a woman can strive hard to do every type of business and be succeed in it. It doesn't mean a woman can no jobs better than a man.
I get your point but people don't see it that way. I think this saying should be rephrased. Because mere looking at the sentence it is totally wrong.
This particular saying was made when the government was trying so much to increase women's participation in schools and I do not think it has any link with the reality of the world.
I have been hearing of this and seen many debates about it,what a man can do a woman can do better, I agreed with that,but partially, it depends on the strength and capability of the Lady.
Its not true in all cases,but if given d opportunity,a woman might try her best to achieve part of d task that a man can do completely..Being a man is a whole lot of job..I can say it's not easy to be a man..A man works to pay the bills,works to pay the rent,works to pay fees,works to feed
That's true. But if I understood what you've just said, you mean if a woman can be given the opportunity to work she can work, that's true but not all kinds of women.
This particular saying was made when the government was trying so much to increase women's participation in schools and I do not think it has any link with the reality of the world.
It does not really have any link with reality but I believe it has affected reality. Most women believe in this statement to the point that whenever they actually try to put in all their best when ever they are in working positions usually carried by men. Have you noticed women get better results in most things me do?
The physical strength of a man and woman cannot be compared 90% of the time. Men are built bigger and stronger. However, intellectual, a woman can compare and supersede a man. With her intellect, she can even get better output.
The sayings of what a man can do a woman can do it better. To me I don't believe in equality agenda, Almighty created Adam and Eve and made Adam the loaf of the nation while didn't he called Eve. In Africa a male child are mainly recognize to a female, fine a woman can also have some qualities of a man but not mostly.
What a man can do,a woman would do it better. This proverb is not complete when you look at it very well. God has created men with nine bones ( ribs), while women were created with seven( ribs). This shows that a woman can compet with a man.
I have been hearing of this and seen many debates about it,what a man can do a woman can do better, I agreed with that,but partially, it depends on the strength and capability of the Lady.
That's true there are some womens that are stronger than some of the men. But have you ever seen a woman who is stronger than a man?
That's true there are some womens that are stronger than some of the men. But have you ever seen a woman who is stronger than a man?
I have actually seen, and a perfect example would be my mother, after my dad died, she single handedly raised us, we where 4 still in school back then without the help of anyone expect God.
That's true there are some womens that are stronger than some of the men. But have you ever seen a woman who is stronger than a man?
Sure it do happen some of them seems to be strong in all perspective than the men, they seems to be hardworking and devoted than other lazy men.
Sure it do happen some of them seems to be strong in all perspective than the men, they seems to be hardworking and devoted than other lazy men.
Yes I believe it do happens but my question here is that have you ever seen a woman that is stronger than a man? For me I haven't seen it what of you?
I believe the statement is meant for lazy men who cannot do anything but behaves like woman and likewise we have some women who have the ability to do like men but not all.
There are some things a man can do which a woman cannot do. Men at the one usually fit enough to erect mask for telecommunication. I have never seen any women engaging in this type of work. Also I am yet to see any woman engaging in digging well.
"What a Man can do a Woman can do better" is a statement that even ladies take as common because they know themselves that it isn't possible in some instances, there was a shot clip I watch sometimes last 2 months pertaining to this topic, a guy was standing beside a lady trying to prove the statement wrong, the guy then did a bending style, d lady also did bend, he stood on his hands, the lady did the same after that the guy tried to remove his dresses, the lady couldn't..... Lol

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