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What a man can do, a woman can do it better. Is this true?

Its not true in all areas,but I have seen women do bricklaying and carpentry.Actually anyone can do anything be it male or female if they put their mind to it and if their health permits them.
That's just it, if their physical strength and health allows them and if it does not have any physical damage or strain on their body then they can go ahead with it. People tend to classify jobs as one ment for female and the other for male. But anyone can do anything.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Like I would say there are so many saying that men that aren't men say. So I count that word to be one of the saying, another one is equal right between a man and a woman in the home, I am the home any woman that agrees to marry will leave under my rules and regulation if you can't you will leave and another woman will come in..submissiveness is for a woman. So what a man can do a woman will keep looking and praising the man. Thank you.
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That's just it, if their physical strength and health allows them and if it does not have any physical damage or strain on their body then they can go ahead with it. People tend to classify jobs as one ment for female and the other for male. But anyone can do anything.
No matter what strength the woman has there are some things only men do and some things meant for just the woman, can you expect a man to become pregnant, or a woman to walk around the neighbourhood topless only if she is insane or doing it for a bet.
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That's just it, if their physical strength and health allows them and if it does not have any physical damage or strain on their body then they can go ahead with it. People tend to classify jobs as one ment for female and the other for male. But anyone can do anything.
No matter what strength the woman has there are some things only men do and some things meant for just the woman, can you expect a man to become pregnant, or a woman to walk around the neighbourhood topless only if she is insane or doing it for a bet.
Yes they can to do each others work but there is a great difference between their work as we can easily guess that women can cook much better than a man but if we consider the restaurant so there men are working and cooking so there and cooking is more delicious than women now second day if I consider the office job so only male can perform it very well then female there is a limit of every kind of work among themselves.
There is what is known as gender roles and when another gender want to swap into a role that is not meant for him or her then there is no way that that gender can be able to do or perform the role better than the other gender that the role is naturally made for.
Well it depends on the kind of activity of which men have failed and the women tried to do it more better than the men. it is true that some women can perform more than the men in some certain activities of which they found them self in.
Its not true in all cases,but if given d opportunity,a woman might try her best to achieve part of d task that a man can do completely..Being a man is a whole lot of job..I can say it's not easy to be a man..A man works to pay the bills,works to pay the rent,works to pay fees,works to feed
Exactly my point because when it comes down to it, they won't be able to do some certain jobs due to the stress attached
To me this is not true because there are some strenuous activities that women may not be able to engage into, some of them are only suitable for men. I don't see the reason why women should rather be stronger than men physically and not biologically.
Yes it's very true. No one is restricted to take the lead. Even we have seen so many scenarios where a woman outshines a man. But this doesn't mean that everything can actually be perfectly done by a woman. God has his own reason creating every gender like that
The assertion what a man can do, a woman can do better is suppose to be an assertion that would help interpreted to women who felt inferior that they could so anything they set their minds too
This is one topic I would have love to engage in so deeply, be that as it may there are so many things a man can do a women can do even better. You know at times men think it's all things that is stated here, no!
Not all things men can do women and do better. There are some things men can do which women will never do and vice versa. Both gender have their uniqueness.
Yes it's absolutely true even though it depends on the capacity of the individual and the task of which is to be performed. it's believe that human being are not equal some are stronger than others and some intelligent than others. there are women who are intelligent than the men.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
Well, to my own point of view I will say that not all what men does women do better but there somethings women do better. If a woman want to do what men does they try to put extra power just to be perfect. I have seen some women who work as a mechanic, some as bricklayers self. There was a woman who built up her house by herself. One of the thing I think will be hard for a woman to do is digging of well, not all men can do that self.
I have been hearing this what a man can do a woman can do better but i think it is not true because there are some hard work like carpentry, bricklayer etc so that saying is not true
This is never true. We have gone past the age of where we think individual performances are based on gender. This is very wrong. I cant say this person is female hence she is better
Biologically there are things men can do and women can't do and vice versa,but in the real world very few women hold their own
Am i supposed to say it is untrue?
I believe the maxim alright, but it does not apply to all cases.
there are certain jobs which women can never do.
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?
I have been hearing this for a long time that what men can do, women can do it better. But in my own believe there are some tedious work that woman can not do like bricklayer, carpentry work etc. So is it right to be say this word" that what man can do,woman can do it better"?

I always liked it and I encouraged gender equality! apart from a few areas ... you can't put a woman to work on the site to break cement, let's be serious: D
This assertion is not always true which says what a man can do a woman can do better there's some kind of business that a woman can never venture into and there's some kind of work that a woman can not to do.
The assertion is not true at all. Just as you said, there are things a man does better and there are things a woman can carry out much more better than a man
I was around when this particular notion was being passed around . It started specifically around here to persuade women to try to seek education that they too can be successful in it.
Yes, to some extent it can be considered true. there are some women who always at all cost have the desire to be better in life and they do everything much possible to see they achieve their desires. some men wishes to, but they become very reluctant whenever they try and fail.

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