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But the world has left us behind in so many things. You come to think of it , in most countries today there is 24-hours constant power supply but here this is not possible. This is not funny at all.
That is good and purposeful governance for you,these things is not something that require intellectuals to fix,all the leaders need to do is the political will to carry out good policies and then you will begin to see the effect in almost all sectors.
That is good and purposeful governance for you,these things is not something that require intellectuals to fix,all the leaders need to do is the political will to carry out good policies and then you will begin to see the effect in almost all sectors.
I don't know why we are just like this. The leaders are so useless beyond what I could possibly imagine . They are not looking straight forward to help the country progress but they are looking for opportunity to even loot the masses money.
I don't know why we are just like this. The leaders are so useless beyond what I could possibly imagine . They are not looking straight forward to help the country progress but they are looking for opportunity to even loot the masses money.
Most of our leaders do not really care about providing basic amenities to their citizens. They are only after enriching their pockets and that is why power supply is still not constant till now in our country.
I don't know why we are just like this. The leaders are so useless beyond what I could possibly imagine . They are not looking straight forward to help the country progress but they are looking for opportunity to even loot the masses money.
It is just quite unfortunate that we are having leaders that have nothing to do with service,because the plan of action and blue print to salvage an ailing economy they do not have,not to talk of interlectual capacity to create an enabling environment for business to thrive.
It is just quite unfortunate that we are having leaders that have nothing to do with service,because the plan of action and blue print to salvage an ailing economy they do not have,not to talk of interlectual capacity to create an enabling environment for business to thrive.
Well we just believe that maybe in the future we will have good leaders that will be so passionate about the country and help the country moves forward. I don't really know what is wrong with our current leaders they are so selfish and care less about the Masses. I don't understand.
Well we just believe that maybe in the future we will have good leaders that will be so passionate about the country and help the country moves forward. I don't really know what is wrong with our current leaders they are so selfish and care less about the Masses. I don't understand.
It's obvious that the government doesn't really care about the masses. If there was uninterrupted power supply, thousands of jobs will be secured and this will improve the economy.
It's obvious that the government doesn't really care about the masses. If there was uninterrupted power supply, thousands of jobs will be secured and this will improve the economy.
I don't really understand and if you see how much the government will be budgeting every year for generator , why won't they try as much as possible to add money to that and make electricity stable ? Hmmm. I don't really understand.
I don't really understand and if you see how much the government will be budgeting every year for generator , why won't they try as much as possible to add money to that and make electricity stable ? Hmmm. I don't really understand.
You have really cited an important instance. It shows that they don't really care about improving the lives of the masses by providing stable electricity in the country.
I don't really understand and if you see how much the government will be budgeting every year for generator , why won't they try as much as possible to add money to that and make electricity stable ? Hmmm. I don't really understand.
You have really cited an important instance. It shows that they don't really care about improving the lives of the masses by providing stable electricity in the country.
You have really cited an important instance. It shows that they don't really care about improving the lives of the masses by providing stable electricity in the country.

You have really cited an important instance. It shows that they don't really care about improving the lives of the masses by providing stable electricity in the country.
That is just the exact truths.. for me no matter what may happen I still believe that in the future things will be better and we we'll have a good leaders in this country. That's my believes .
That is just the exact truths.. for me no matter what may happen I still believe that in the future things will be better and we we'll have a good leaders in this country. That's my believes .
Well, it is my belief that things will get better too. We just have to start electing the right and qualified leaders in positions in government and we must also start holding them accountable for their performance in office.
This thread is applicable to countries that have epileptic power supply like my own country. Most of the big companies that depend solely on electricity to function have fold up. A lot of them has gone to neighbouring countries to establish their business.
Well, it is my belief that things will get better too. We just have to start electing the right and qualified leaders in positions in government and we must also start holding them accountable for their performance in office.
Well. That's is true. But just that so many of our leaders are not willing to get correction. Before all these things can be done correctly we need to make sure that there is no corruption and bribery in the system.
Most of our leaders do not really care about providing basic amenities to their citizens. They are only after enriching their pockets and that is why power supply is still not constant till now in our country.
They dont care because all they want is to die in the government post because they prefer their satisfy their selfish interest and that's why they make election a do or die affairs most of the time.
They dont care because all they want is to die in the government post because they prefer their satisfy their selfish interest and that's why they make election a do or die affairs most of the time.
It is the reason why most companies and businesses do not depend on public electricity because of frequent power outages. It has even scared several investors from the country.
Most firm and organisation need constant and adequate power supply to carry out their operation and keep business running.And when these basic amenities are not provided business owners tend to look for alternative.But after spending much on power facility for their business operation,The government then impose a heavy levy on power generation,because they want to be the sole provider of generating power.How would an organisation adjust itself inoder to still be in business.
My country should and with no regrets be use as a case study. Because citizens,firm and business get alternative power like generator,solar for almost 100% of the daily use because of epileptic energy from government power sully.
There are alternatives to government provided source of power supply such as,heavy duty generators that can power up big engines and be sufficient to operate in what ever task being placed on the various machines.
I think the heavy duty generators are mostly used in big organisations. There are many businesses that use such generators in order to power their businesses. Solar is also another alternative power supply but it is not really dependable.
This is a great source of concern especially in developing countries as I recently read in a report.
These companies in my opinion should pool resources together and tap into natural source of energy - wind, sunlight and even renewable source of energy if possible.
It'll cost more at first but it'll be profitable in the long run.
I think the heavy duty generators are mostly used in big organisations. There are many businesses that use such generators in order to power their businesses. Solar is also another alternative power supply but it is not really dependable.
Most of those big generators you are talking about depend on diesel and not on petrol. And now diesel is quite expensive because here a litre of diesel is about 1.5 dollars compared to petrol which is about 0.4 cent.. most business organisation will have a lot of challenge when using this type of generator.
We have a big problem of electricity outage and many people tend to use electric generators in order to deal with the problem. However, petrol is quite expensive and it is now very hard to afford a generator.
My country should and with no regrets be use as a case study. Because citizens,firm and business get alternative power like generator,solar for almost 100% of the daily use because of epileptic energy from government power sully.
And this is quite sad in the sence that the cost of operation will dig deep into the finance of the firm,and it will be very difficult for small and emerging busineses to survive in such environment,this will push investors away.

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